P.E. Becomes Major1 Subject in Yunnan Province Middle Schools 体育将成为云南省中学的主科

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  The new reform2 on high school entrance exams in southwest China’s Yunnan Province is discussed a lot. The total score of physical education was raised3 from 50 points to 100 points. It is the same as “three major subjects” of Chinese, Mathmatics and English.
  The reform will be started from the fall semester4 of 2020. Students will take P.E. tests once a year during their three-year middle school time, and the proportion5 of each year’s test has been tentatively6 set to 20%, 40% and 40%. The exams have two parts: physical examination7, 60 points, and skill test, 40 points.
  “The Ministry of Education asks students to learn at least one or two sports skills. Students can do sports for the skill test, including soccer, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, badminton, tennis, track and field, swimming, martial arts, boxing, and aerobics8,” said Xu Zhongxiang, an official with the Yunnan Provincial Department of Education.
  Detailed9 rules, plans and related documents are still under discussion and will be released10 soon.
  Zhang Chunhua, deputy director of Yunnan Provincial Department of Education, said the reform is to boost11 students’ well-rounded12 development and relax them after study.
  “Middle school is very important for students’ physical and mental health. Regular13 exercise is needed for students’ health,” said Xu.
  “We hope that after several years of hard work, physical education can truly become a major subject,” said Wang Dengfeng, a senior official with the Ministry of Education.
  [1]Do you like sports? 你喜欢运动吗?
  [2]What’s your favorite sport? 你最喜欢的运动是什么呢?
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