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谢金龙广东人,毕业于中山大学中文系,著名书法艺术家,建筑工程师。现任中国书画研究院常务理事等职,易经风水专家。曾于同济大学、台湾丛林佛学院、北京大学进修。台湾星云大师入室弟子,法号『善藏』,其广结善缘、笃信好学,长时间专研国学,取精用弘,对儒、释、道、易经五行、中医等文化领域皆有研修。在其专业领域曾荣获『首届中华国学建筑环境高级策划师』。谢金龙少年时期开始痴迷书法,多年来笔耕不辍、潜心修炼,将书法与易学、音律及宗教文化等融合一起,勇于创新,取得卓著成绩,业界认为其书法下笔如有神,是不可多得的书法界奇才,自成一体,乃『谢氏书法』。其多幅书法作品于《中国文化报》《文化月刊》《北京文学》《中国文学》《中国铁路文艺》《文学月刊》《中国散文家》《华夏散文》《宝安日报》等报刊发表。并荣登《文化月刊》数期封面人物。其书法作品被众多机构、商会、协会、企业单位采纳用于渲染文化氛围,被诸多海内外书画收藏家珍藏。 Xie Jinlong Cantonese, graduated from the Chinese Department of Sun Yat-sen University, a famous calligraphy artist, construction engineer. IncumbentChinese Painting and Calligraphy Research Institute executive director, Yi Jing Feng Shui experts. He studied at Tongji University, Taiwan Jungle Buddha College and Peking University. Taiwanese master Nebula entered the disciples, the law number “good possession”, its wide range of good fortune, devotion to learning, a long time specializing in Sinology, fine with Hong, Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, the Book of Changes, Chinese medicine and other cultural fields are Training. In his field of expertise, he was awarded the “First Chinese Celestial Architecture Environment Planner”. As a teenager, she began to become obsessed with calligraphy. After years of hard work, she devoted himself to practicing painstakingly. Combining calligraphy with Yi-ology, temperament and religious culture, she was brave enough to innovate and achieved outstanding results. Wizards of the calligraphy, self-contained, is “Xie’s calligraphy.” His numerous calligraphy works are published in newspapers and periodicals such as “China Culture Daily”, “Culture Monthly”, “Beijing Literature”, “Chinese Literature”, “China Railway Literature and Art,” “Literature Monthly,” “Chinese Essayist,” “Chinese Summer Prose,” and “Baoan Daily Newspaper.” And crowned “Culture Monthly” cover several people. His calligraphy works are adopted by many institutions, chambers of commerce, associations and business units for rendering the cultural atmosphere and are collected by many collectors both at home and abroad.
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