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在举国欢庆伟大领袖毛主席生前亲自选定的接班人华国锋主席为我党领袖;欢庆以华主席为首的党中央一举粉碎“四人帮”反党集团篡党夺权罪恶阴谋取得伟大胜利的鼓舞下,为了贯彻执行“抓革命,促生产”的方针,促进组合机床的生产大发展,根据组合机床行业科技情报网1976~1977年两年的小型活动计划,年前组织起来开展了对组合机床制造工艺水平的调研工作。派人参加此项调研活动的单位有:镇江机床厂、无锡柴油机厂、济南汽车专用设备厂、洛阳东方红拖拉机厂机器分厂、长春第一汽车制造厂工具分厂、华中工学院、一机部重庆设计院和大连组合机床研究所等。这次调研的主要内容是各地组合机床制造和使用厂 President Hua Guofeng, the successor of the country’s great leader Chairman Mao’s personal selection, was the leader of our party. He celebrated the great victory of the Party Central Committee headed by President Chong, smashing the “Gang of Four” anti-Party clique and instigating the evil conspiracy to seize power. Encouraged, in order to implement the policy of “grasping the revolution and promoting production” and promoting the development of the production of combined machine tools, according to the small-scale activity plan of the combined machine tool industry’s scientific and technological information network for two years from 1976 to 1977, the organization was organized to carry out the Machine tool manufacturing process research. The units that sent people to participate in this research activity include: Zhenjiang Machine Tool Plant, Wuxi Diesel Engine Factory, Jinan Automobile Special Equipment Factory, Luoyang Dongfanghong Tractor Plant Machinery Branch, Changchun First Automobile Manufacturing Plant Tool Factory, Huazhong Institute of Technology, and a machine Department of Chongqing Design Institute and Dalian Composite Machine Tool Institute. The main content of this research is the combination of machine tool manufacturing and use
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打倒“四人帮”,洛拖得解放。在华主席“抓纲治国”战略决策指引下,洛阳拖拉机厂由乱到治,恢复快,变化大,各方面的工作都走上了正轨。 When the “Gang of Four” was defe