,The VMI study on angular distribution of ejected electrons from Eu 4f76p1/26d autoionizing states

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoubo1204
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The combination of a velocity mapping imaging technique and mathematical transformation is adopted to study the angular distribution of electrons ejected from the Eu 4f76p1/26d autoionizing states, which are excited with a three-step excitation scheme via different Eu 4f76s6d 8DJ (J=5/2, 7/2, and 9/2) intermediate states. In order to determine the energy dependence of angular distribution of the ejected electrons, the anisotropic parameters are measured in the spectral profile of the 6p1/26d autoionizing states by tuning the wavelength of the third-step laser across the ionic resonance lines of the Eu 6s+→ 6p+. The configuration interaction is discussed by comparing the angular distributions of ejected electrons from the different states. The present study reveals the profound variations of anisotropic parameters in the entire region of autoionization resonance, highlighting the complicated nature of the autoionization process for the lowest member of 6p1/26d autoionization series.
六月的天空,蓝天中飘浮着朵朵白云,几只小鸟悠闲地飞过。  我收回羡慕的目光,继续思考难解的数学题。临近期末考试了,平淡的日子中夹杂了些许紧张的味道。  奶奶也开始忙碌起来,为我准备着启程前大包小包的行李。望着灯光下满头白发的奶奶,我的眼眶湿润了。我知道,随着考试的结束,暑假即将来临,接下来的两个月,我又将像一只候鸟一样飞到远在上海打工的父母身边。  还记得春节时,我们一家人在一起时的欢乐场景。除夕
虽说已是初夏,但这渐停渐止却欲罢不能的毛毛细雨却也有种“春雨润如酥”的风情。漫步在这“风光无限好”的青春校园里,自然是一种难得的享受。其实,完全不必撑着一把伞疾走快行,刻意躲避雨的滋润,主动迎接细雨的亲吻更有情趣。  于是,我和好友优哉游哉地向着教室走去。远远地,便望见前面的柳树下,许老师正撑着一把伞,似乎在望着我们。原想走近了打声招呼便过去,可没承想,还没等我开口,许老师就发话了:“吕亚倩,去把
不知有多久没有享受到这种感觉了:一只风筝在线的牵引下扶摇直上,穿过风的阻挠,挣脱云的柔情,撇开一切束缚,直向那浩渺的天际冲去。我的心也如同这风筝一样,高唱着嘹亮的凯歌,自由驰骋。  “扑扑”的响声忽然飘入我的耳中。转头一看,那是被我软磨硬泡拉出来的邻家小妹正在拖着风筝奔跑,风筝与草丛中的草在摩擦,仿佛在诉说着自己的哀伤。我不禁一笑,问道:“你难道都没有放过风筝吗?”小妹妹茫然地抬起头来,手足无措地
We choose 8-hydroxyquinoline derivative-metal complexes (Beq, Mgq, and Znq) as the acceptors (A) and 4,4’,4”-tri-(2-methylphenyl phenylamino) triphenylaine (m
一个个或云开月朗,或雨打芭蕉的夜晚,倚在床头,几缕墨香四溢,几丝笑意晕染。追随着各位名家的步伐,览异国风土人情,看人情世故社会冷暖。孤独的夜晚,因为有书的陪伴,一脉馨香弥漫了整个心田。  这一伴,就是十年。  对书有基本概念大概是从三岁,妈妈的睡前故事是懵懂的我开始接触博大精深的汉字的铺路石,那时的我还无法分辨人的好坏、善恶,只是纯粹地听情节。对“三观”有模糊的意识,是在读了《百年剑桥讲授的人生哲
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