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经中国农业科技管理研究会理事会讨论决定。拟于2005年就植物新品种权保护等工作开展专题研讨。现向全国科研单位、高等院校、企业、管理部门及对植物新品种保护工作有见解的社会各界团体、个人征集论文,有关内容如下:一、学术讨论会主题和征文内容本次学术讨论会将围绕”保护植物新品种,提高种业竞争力“主题,结合以下专题进行讨论:1.《国际植物新品种保护公约》(1978年文本)对我国育种科研的影响;2.《国际植物新品种保护公约》(1978年文本)对我国种子产业发展的影响;3.《国际植物新品种保护公约》1991年文本与1978年文本对科研育种和种子产业影响比较;4.我国加入《国际植物新品种保护公约》(1991年文本)对农产品出口的评估;5.我国加入《国际植物新品种保护公约》(1991年文本)对农民的影响;6.我国加入《国际植物新品种保护公约》(1991年文本)条件准备与时机选择;7.我国作物育种科研国际竞争力分析;8.农业知识产权与农业科技创新;9.农业知识产权保护与转化模式;10.农业科技管理与知识产权保护。二、征文要求与论文格式1.征文要求:本次会议着重研讨“保护植物新品种,提高种业竞争力”,要求论文立足中国的国情,又要具有全球化的视野。在提交的论文左上角,请标明“2005年中国农业科技管理研究会学术讨论会征文”字样。2.论文格式:论文以打印稿形式提交,字数一般不超过6000字,附有300字左右的。文后注明参考文献。三、征文截止日期及联系方式1.征文截止日期:截止日期为9月30日(以邮戳为准),过期不候。2.联系方式:南京市孝陵卫钟灵街50号江苏省农业科学院吴魁邮政编码:210014电话:(025)84391117,84390027电子信箱:ipo@jaas.ac.cnhj5126@126.com3.征文审定:征文截止后,将组织相关专家对论文进行初步审定,通过初审论文的第一作者将发正式会议通知。4.会议时间和地点另行通知。届时,农业相关部门领导、中国农业科技管理研究会主要领导以及知识产权、企业、法律界人士将出席会议。入选论文将专题发言,获奖论文将授予研究会颁发的证书。中国农业科技管理研究会 The China Agricultural Science and Technology Management Council will discuss the decision. In 2005, it plans to conduct a special seminar on the protection of new plant varieties. Now the national research institutes, institutions of higher learning, enterprises, management departments and plant variety protection work insight community members and individuals, the paper is as follows: First, the theme of the symposium and essay content The seminar The theme of “Protecting New Varieties of Plants and Enhancing the Competitiveness of Seed Industry” will be discussed in the light of the following topics: 1. The Impact of the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (1978 Text) on China’s Breeding and Research; 2. The International Plant Protection The impact of the Convention on the Protection of Varieties (1978) on the development of China’s seed industry; (3) the comparison between the 1991 International Plant Protection Convention Convention text and the 1978 text on scientific research and breeding and the seed industry; (4) China’s accession to the International Plant The impact of the accession to the “International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants” (1991 text) to peasants; 6. China’s accession to the “Convention on the Protection of New Varieties of Plants” (1991 text) (1991 text) Conditions and timing of selection; 7. China’s international competitiveness of crop breeding scientific research; 8. Agricultural intellectual property and agricultural science and technology innovation; Property protection and transformation pattern; 10 agricultural technology management and intellectual property protection. Second, the essay requirements and essay format 1. essay requirements: This meeting focuses on “protection of new varieties of plants to enhance the competitiveness of seed industry,” requires papers based on China’s national conditions, but also have a global perspective. In the upper left corner of the paper submitted, please indicate “2005 China Agricultural Science and Technology Management Symposium essay” message. 2. Paper Format: Papers submitted in print form, the number of words generally not more than 6000 words, with about 300 words. After the text indicates the reference. Third, the deadline for essay and contact information 1. Essay deadline: Deadline is September 30 (postmarked date), expired without waiting. 2. Contact: Wu Kui, Academy of Agricultural Sciences, No.50 Lingling Street, Xiaolingwei, Nanjing Postal code: 210014 Tel: (025) 84391117, 84390027 E-mail: ipo@jaas.ac.cnhj5126 @ 126.com 3. Essay approval: After the deadline of the essay, the relevant experts will be organized to conduct preliminary examination of the essay, and the first author who has passed the preliminary examination will be notified of the formal meeting. 4. The meeting time and place will be notified separately. By then, the leaders of the relevant agricultural departments and the leaders of the China Agricultural Science and Technology Management Research Association as well as intellectual property, enterprises and the legal profession will attend the meeting. Selected papers will feature speeches, winning papers will be awarded the certificate issued by the Society. China Agricultural Science and Technology Management Association
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一、选择题(只有1个选项正确.每小题6分,共48分.)rn1.3条直线a,b、c,两两互为异面直线,那么与a、b相交且与c平行的直线有( ).rnA 0条; B 1条; C 0条或1条; D无数条rn2.空间4