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为规范地板市场,方便消费者选择地板,应广大消费者和会员企业的要求,中国林产工业协会组织了2002年度中国地板行业信誉品牌评选工作。评选均由会员企业自愿申报,中国林产工业协会地板专业委员会经过认真的资料审查,并委托国家人造板质量监督检验中心等权威检测机构进行了严格的市场抽测,由中国林产工业协会组织专家评审组进行了会审。为体现“公开、公平、公正”的原则,现将会审通过品牌及有关企业名单向社会公示。在本公示发布之日起三十天内,对所公示的品牌及有关企业有意见的欢迎举报。举报或反映情况应实事求是,有具体事例、内容,并尽量用书面形式;以单位名义的应加 In order to standardize the flooring market and facilitate consumers to choose flooring, the China Forest Products Industry Association organized the 2002 China flooring industry reputation brand selection work in response to the requirements of consumers and member companies. The selection was voluntarily declared by the member companies. The Flooring Committee of the China Forest Products Industry Association passed a serious review of the materials and entrusted the National Board of Quality Supervision and Inspection and other authoritative testing agencies to conduct stringent market sampling tests. The China Forest Products Industry Association organized an expert review team. A trial was conducted. In order to reflect the principle of “openness, fairness, and fairness”, it will now be publicized to the public through the list of brands and related companies. Within 30 days from the date of publication of this publication, complaints regarding the publicity of the brand and related companies are welcome. Report or reflect the situation should be practical and realistic, with specific examples, content, and try to use written form; in the name of the unit should be added
经历了15年漫长而艰苦的道路,谈判代表一茬又一茬,头发都谈白了,终于,在人类历史跨入新世纪的第一年,中国迎来了加入WTO的这一天。 在此之前,有关中国加入世界贸易组织将给
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武汉泰普变压器开关有限公司 新型无缝电容器调容开关产品介绍 Wuhan Taipu Transformer Switch Co., Ltd. New Seamless Capacitor Capacitor Switch Product Introductio
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现将《当前国家鼓励发展的节水设备(产品)目录》(第一批)(以下简称《目录》)予以公布。一、确定当前国家鼓励发展的节水设备(产品)的原则 (一)符合《当前国家重点鼓励发展的