
来源 :人民公安 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ayatowing
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据中国青年报报道,备受关注的“行人交通违法单位受罚”措施,从4月20日起在郑州试行。按照该市文明办和公安局两家单位联合制定的有关规定,个人交通违法情况将与个人评先、福利待遇相挂钩,对市、区各级党政机关、事业单位员工,凡个人全年因交通违法被记录三次的,建议所在单位取消个人当年公务员年度考核优秀等次、精神文明建设先进个人等评选资格。按照这个规定,行人个人交通违法,其所在单位的评先评优也将受到影响。在职员工总数不超过100人的单位,年内个人被记录交通违法人(次)数累计10人(次)的;在职员工总数超过100人的单位,年内被记录交通违法人(次)数超过在职员工总数10%的,郑州市公安交警部门将下发一份整改通知书。在年内被下达两次整改通知书的单位,将被取消当年区级以上(含区级)文明单位、交通安全示范单位等相关类别先进单位的参评资格。行人交通违法现象,是我国各个城市的“交通牛皮癣”,这些年各地采取了不少措施。郑州的相关规定合不合法、可不可行,谈谈您的看法。 According to the report of China Youth Daily, the most noticed “Pedestrian Traffic Illegal Unit Punishment” measures will be piloted in Zhengzhou starting April 20. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the city Civilization Office and the Public Security Bureau jointly formulated by the two units, personal traffic violations will be linked with the individual first, the benefits linked to all levels of municipal and district party and government organs, institutions employees, where individuals throughout the year Due to traffic violations were recorded three times, it is recommended that the unit to cancel the individual year civil servants outstanding annual assessment of such times, the construction of advanced spiritual civilization and other eligibility criteria. In accordance with this provision, pedestrian personal traffic violations, the evaluation of their units will also be affected. Number of employees with a total number of less than 100 employees during the year Individual records of traffic offenders (times) totaling 10 persons (times); Number of employees with over 100 employees recorded during the year Traffic offender (times) 10% of the total number of employees, Zhengzhou Public Security Traffic Police Department will issue a rectification notice. Units that have been issued with rectification notices twice during the year will be disqualified from participating in the advanced units of relevant categories such as civilized units above the county level (including district level) and traffic safety demonstration units. The phenomenon of pedestrian traffic violations is the “traffic psoriasis” in various cities in our country. Various measures have been taken throughout these years. Zhengzhou, the relevant provisions of illegal, is not feasible to talk about your views.
摘 要:山东省作为实验省份之一率先开展了高中信息技术新课程改革,2007年又首次把信息技术列入高考科目,因此,山东省的信息技术课程备受关注。课题组问卷调查的26所学校中的必修模块全部得到落实,选修模块的开设也颇具特色,并涌现出一批优秀的信息技术专题学习网站。研究过程中,课题组不仅体验到山东省高中信息技术课程整体上取得的巨大成就,同时也发现了一些不容乐观的问题。  关键词:信息技术课程;新课程改革;
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