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AMBI PETRA步枪是美国SI防御公司推出的一款轻型精确射手步枪,采用半自动发射方式,配用0.300英寸温彻斯特-马格努姆弹,弹匣容弹量10发。该枪可选配不同的枪管,一种是Proof Research公司CF比赛级枪管,枪管长为508mm;另一种是普通的不锈钢枪管,枪管长度有508mm及559mm两种。枪管膛线导程均为254mm,前者比后者贵几百美元。该枪采用盖赛尔公司SSA-E扳机、霍格公司聚合物握把、DS-300枪口消焰/制退器和AMBI拉机柄。护手采用八边形设计,其顶部的导轨与机匣顶部的导轨连为一体,护手左右两侧与底部预留有导轨安装孔,可 AMBI PETRA rifle is the United States SI defense company introduced a light precision shooter rifles, using semi-automatic launch mode, equipped with 0.300-inch Winchester - Magnum bomb, cartridge capacity 10 rounds. The gun can be equipped with different barrel, one is Proof Research company CF game-level barrel, the barrel length of 508mm; the other is a common stainless steel barrel, barrel length 508mm and 559mm two. The gun bore line lead is 254mm, the former is more expensive than the latter a few hundred dollars. The gun uses the Geisel SSA-E trigger, Hogg’s polymer grip, DS-300 muzzle flame / brake and AMBI handle. Hand guard with octagonal design, the top of the guide rail and the casing at the top of the rail as a whole, left and right hand guard left and right reserved for rail mounting holes,
XD Mod.2紧凑型手枪是斯普林菲尔德公司最新推出的第二代XD系列手枪中最小的一款。由于套筒缩短,套筒前部的防滑槽被取消。该枪有9mm巴拉贝鲁姆、0.40英寸史密斯一韦森和0.45
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Executive Order步枪是NEMO武器公司推出的一款轻量型战术步枪,发射7.62×51 mm NATO弹。该枪机匣及护手表面覆有金属灰色涂层,上下机匣均采用7075航空级铝合金材料制成,机匣
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就美国民用武器市场而言,人们对武器的需求逐渐走向“更有趣的玩具”和“潜在的家庭防御用枪”。土耳其MKE公司看准这一契机,推出了仿德国H&K公司MP5K冲锋枪的民用型Zenith Z
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