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将弯曲分层矫直数值计算和实验验证相结合,研究了双金属复合板材辊式矫直过程中的连续弯曲变形和力能参数。结果表明,使用弯曲分层矫直计算模型是计算双金属复合板材矫直过程的有效方法,分层算法的结果与实验数据有较好的一致性;双金属复合板材弯曲应变的中性层与几何中间层产生偏离,中性层位置随弯曲程度和材料比例而变化;同时,由于材料的力学性能不同,在同一弯曲单元内各组元材料的塑性层比例也不同;计算模型所给出的在双金属复合板材矫直过程中应力应变的演化,与单一材料有明显的不同;在不考虑原始曲率的前提下,矫后残余应力随着弯曲单元的增加而减小。 By combining the numerical calculation of bending stratified straightening and experimental verification, the continuous bending deformation and force energy parameters in roll straightening process of bimetallic composite sheet are studied. The results show that the bending stratified straightening calculation model is an effective method to calculate the straightening process of bimetallic composite sheet. The results of stratification algorithm are in good agreement with the experimental data. The neutral strain of bimetallic composite sheet The geometrical middle layer deviates and the neutral layer position changes with the bending degree and the material proportion; meanwhile, due to the different mechanical properties of the material, the plastic layer proportion of each component material in the same bending unit is also different; The evolution of stress-strain during the straightening process of bimetallic composite sheet is obviously different from the single material. The residual stress decreases with the increase of bending unit without considering the original curvature.
随着局势的变化——1971年,中华人民共和国重返联合国;1972年,时任美国总统尼克松访华并发表了中美上海联合公报发表。可以说,局势大为改善。这也是黄金如等中国游子得以“检阅”美机的历史大背景。  “这位老人叫黄金如,我是在郑州找到他的。他在20世纪70年代参与援建坦赞铁路。”同济大学出版社《民间影像》系列MOOK的责任编辑陈立群如是说。10月22日,陈立群在上海图书馆做了题为“大历史和小日常”的
那是在1993年清明节后,在黄岩花木市场上偶然巧得,大自然的鬼斧神工和神奇造化将杉木树结瘤所成。当此奇特根材到手后,从不同角度反复审视揣摩。在肯定天 It was after the
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《美术观察》已经一岁了。虽然还在体验着蹒踞学步的艰难,但它在作者、读者的关怀和支持下毕竟开始展现出了自己的活力和品位。 一年来,许多读者给我们打电话或写信,对刊物
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