
来源 :中国经济体制改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yxrlxggd
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今年是按照党的十四大确定的建立社会主义市场经济体制的目标推进改革的第一年。李鹏总理代表党中央、国务院在全国经济体制改革工作会议闭幕时强调,各地区、各部门要同重视经济发展速度和扩大对外开放一样,认认真真地抓好各方面的改革,今年要更加重视改革,把精力更多地放到改革上来。改革的目的是为了解放和发展生产力。改革是社会主义的发展动力。我们要加快经济的发展,就要正确处理改革和发展的关系问题,要下大的气力扎扎实实地搞好改革工作。十四年来,我国经济之所以得到迅速发展,靠的是改革,今后要继续发展,仍要靠改革。如果我们抓经济只注意铺摊子,上项目,加大投资规模,而不重视通过改革去改变束缚生产力发展的旧体制,建立充满生机与活力的新体制,那么,国民经济发展的速度是不能持 This year marks the first year of reform in accordance with the goal of establishing the socialist market economic system as set forth in the 14th CPC National Congress. On the occasion of the conclusion of the national economic reform conference, Premier Li Peng emphasized at the conclusion of the conference on the work of the national economic reform that all regions and departments should attach equal importance to the pace of economic development and expand opening up, earnestly pay attention to all aspects of reform and attach greater importance this year Reform, put more energy on the reform. The purpose of the reform is to liberate and develop the productive forces. Reform is the driving force for the development of socialism. If we want to speed up economic development, we must correctly handle the issue of the relationship between reform and development and make great efforts to do a good job in reform in a down-to-earth manner. In the past fourteen years, the reason why our economy has been rapidly developed depends on the reform. In the future, we must continue to develop and rely on the reform. If we pay attention to economic development, we should pay attention to setting up subprojects and projects and increase the scale of investment instead of paying attention to reforming the old system that restrained the development of productive forces and establishing a new system full of vigor and vitality. Therefore, the pace of national economic development can not be sustained
利用光镜和电镜研究了热处理后 A508-3钢的各种显微组织。结果表明:在中等冷却速度(70—480℃/min)下组织为粒状贝氏体,经长时间高温回火后,不仅小岛发生分解,基体上还均匀析