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重点介绍了NaC l溶液的电容随着溶液矿化度、测量极板之间的距离以及测量频率的变化规律。结果表明,在直接测量电容的情况下,NaC l溶液的电容随着极板距离的增加按负平方关系减小;随着溶液浓度的增加按平方关系增加;随着频率的增加按负幂指数规律减小。通过和NaC l溶液电阻的对比发现,同样的条件下,电容的变化率比电阻明显,这将有助于地层流体的识别,尤其是目前大量存在的水淹油气层、低阻油气层和薄油层。基于以上结论,提出了第二介电常数的概念,第二介电常数不同于传统介电常数的关键之处在于:第二介电常数是直接测量介质的介电特性,而不是将其置于极板之间进行测量。还指出,在进行交流电测井时,地层的电容信号也同样能反映出地层及其孔隙流体的特征,在此基础上提出了电容率法测井的想法,即在测量地层电阻率的同时,还要进行电容率的测量,来反映地层及其孔隙流体电容率的信息。此外,还提出了两电极法进行地面电容率勘探的设想,这种方法不仅能够用于找油找气,还可以探测金属矿藏。 The capacitance of NaC l solution is mainly introduced with the salinity of the solution, the distance between the measuring plates and the variation of the measuring frequency. The results show that in the case of direct capacitance measurement, the capacitance of NaC1 solution decreases with the increase of the distance between plates, and decreases with the square of the square of the solution. As the solution concentration increases, the capacitance increases in a square relationship. With the increase of the frequency, Laws decrease. Through the comparison with the NaC l solution resistance, it is found that the change rate of capacitance is more specific than the resistance under the same conditions, which will be helpful to the identification of formation fluids. Especially, there are a large number of existing flooded reservoirs, low resistivity reservoirs and thin reservoirs Reservoir. Based on the above conclusions, the concept of the second dielectric constant is proposed. The key point of the second dielectric constant different from the traditional dielectric constant is that the second dielectric constant directly measures the dielectric property of the medium instead of setting it Measure between plates. It is also pointed out that during the AC logging, the capacitance signal of the formation can also reflect the characteristics of the formation and its pore fluid. On the basis of this, the idea of ​​capacitance-rate logging is put forward. That is to say, while measuring the formation resistivity, Capacitance measurements are also made to reflect information on the formation and pore fluid permittivity. In addition, the idea of ​​two-electrode method for the exploration of surface permittivity is also proposed. This method can not only be used for looking for oil, but also for detecting metal deposits.
目的 探讨膨胀海绵鼻腔填塞在局部麻醉鼻内镜手术中的应用效果.方法 随机选取2017—2018年行局部麻醉鼻内镜手术的慢性鼻窦炎患者40例,其中术中鼻腔后端填塞高膨胀海绵20例,
目的 研究术后使用乳果糖对腹腔镜胆囊切除术后患者胃肠功能的影响.方法 将2017年9月至2018年6月行腹腔镜胆囊切除术患者随机分成试验组和对照组,每组50例,与对照组比较,试验