耳廓软骨间积液在耳科临床工作中并非少见,且近年来有增多趋势,并在某一时期内有连续发生的特点。目前对其发病原因,尚不完全清楚。因此,在治疗上曾试用过各种方法,多不够满意。我科从1977年6月~1979年7月以石膏固定法治疗本病58例,现将临床观察结果报告如下。一、临床资料: 1.本组男性50例,女性8例;年龄最小20岁,最大66岁;发病部位均为单侧耳廓外面上半部,左侧34例,右侧24例;病程最短者2天,最长者6个月;其中工人18例,农民29例,学生4例,其他7
Auricular cartilage effusion in the clinical work of otology is not uncommon, and in recent years there is an increasing trend, and in a period of continuous occurrence of characteristics. The cause of its current, is not yet fully understood. Therefore, in the treatment have tried various methods, more than enough satisfaction. Our department from June 1977 to July 1979 with plaster fixation treatment of 58 cases of this disease, the clinical observations are reported as follows. First, the clinical data: 1. The group of 50 males and 8 females; the youngest 20 years old, maximum 66 years old; the incidence of the site are unilateral auricle outside the upper half of the left side of the 34 cases, the right side of the 24 cases; the shortest course 2 days, the longest 6 months; of which 18 workers, 29 farmers, 4 students, the other 7