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今年年初,在全国信息产业工作会议上,信息产业部部长王旭东在报告中指出,2004年将推进电信资费管理方式的改革,在政府部门保留必要的宏观调控手段的前提下,根据业务性质和市场竞争水平的不同,对业务资费实行分类管理,给予企业更大的定价自主权,逐步建立电信资费的市场形成机制。此后,信息产业部经济调节与通信清算司司长王占甫也表示,下一步将进一步完善市场形成价格的机制,继续推进政府定价向市场调节价的转变。对此,一些人认为今年的电信资费尤其是移动资费将继续出现下调,一些人甚至认为今年手机会实现单向收费,本期“对话”栏目特别邀请到了Frost & Sullivan中国区总经理王煜全和赛迪顾问李东平博士,与本刊记者共同就此话题进行了探讨。 Earlier this year, at the national information industry conference, Wang Xudong, minister of the Ministry of Information Industry, pointed out in the report that in 2004, the reform of telecommunications tariff management will be promoted. Under the premise of government departments retaining the necessary macro-control measures, according to the nature of business and the market Different levels of competition, the classification of business tariff management, giving enterprises greater pricing autonomy, and gradually establish the telecommunications tariff mechanism for the formation of the market. Since then, Wang Zhanfu, director of the Department of Economic Regulation and Communications and Clearing of the Ministry of Information Industry, also said that the next step will be to further improve the mechanism for the formation of prices in the market and continue to promote the transformation from government pricing to market regulation. In this regard, some people think that this year’s telecom tariffs, especially mobile tariffs will continue to decline, some even think this one-way mobile phones will be charged, the current “dialogue” section specially invited to Frost & Sullivan, general manager of China Wang Yuquan match Di consultant Dr. Dongping Li, and correspondents on this topic were discussed.
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