
来源 :四川地震 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinzhenxing
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本子专题在以往几次攻关研究的基础上,以1年时间尺度为目标,对于地震学、地形变、地下流体和地电、地磁等地球物理学科,应用四川地区20多年或尽可能长时间的观测资料,在监测区作全时空扫描,对有震、无震背景开展系统研究,对前兆指标和判定方法的预报效能进行科学评价,研究各种指标的相互关系,力求形成有区域特色的有效的中短期地震前兆指标体系和预报方法。我们曾经借助R-t图,结合震中分布图圈定弱震空区,用D-t图划空段,用带内外频度比确定背景性条带和弱震密集条带,规定过明确的判别指标和预报规则,并用四川1970年7月~1987年的观测资料,讨论过预报效能,得到了肯定的结果。增添1988~1997年的观测资料,继续开展研究,得到大体相当或稍有提高的R值。说明这几种地震活动图象的预报效能比较稳定。关于△D0(△D1)、C(n)、βn、b、η和∑(t)值等地震活动性指标,对于四川地区5个地震带,增添资料前后预报评分R的差值呈以△R=-001为轴的对称分布,53%在[-006,+002]区间内。也可以说,这些指标有大体稳定的预报效能。从物理意义和统计相关分析两个方面研究了若干地震学指标之间的相关性,主要结论是:地震时间分形D? Based on several previous studies, the topic of this book is based on a one-year time scale. For geophysics such as seismology, topography, subsurface fluid, geoelectric force and geomagnetism, the subject has been applied for more than 20 years in Sichuan or as long as possible Observational data, make full-time space-time scanning in the monitoring area, carry out systematic research on the quake-affected and non-quake-proof background, conduct scientific evaluation of the forecasting efficiency of the precursor index and judgment method, study the interrelationship of various indexes and strive to form effective Short-term earthquake precursor indicator system and forecasting method. We have used the R-t chart, combined with the epicenter distribution of delineation of weak earthquakes, with D-t map empty section, with the band frequency ratio of internal and external bands to determine the background and weak seismic dense bands, provided a clear discriminant and Forecasting rules, and using the observation data from July 1970 to July 1987 in Sichuan to discuss the forecasting efficiency, and obtained the positive result. Add observation data from 1988 to 1997 and continue research to obtain R values ​​that are roughly or slightly higher. This shows that the seismic performance of these types of images forecast relatively stable. For the seismogenic indexes such as ΔD0 (ΔD1), C (n), βn, b, η and Σ (t), for the five seismic zones in Sichuan Province, the difference of the forecast score R R = -001 for the axis of the symmetrical distribution, 53% in the [-006, +0  02] interval. It can also be said that these indicators have a generally stable forecasting effectiveness. The correlation between several seismological indices is studied from the aspects of physical meaning and statistical correlation analysis. The main conclusions are as follows: the seismic time fractal D?
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