
来源 :中国港口 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangtianmei
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随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立和改革开放的不断深入,越来越多的沿海开放港口城市政府领导特别关注发展港口,实施“以港兴市”战略,这给港口的发展提供了良好的机遇。近年来,为了尽快改变温州港发展明显滞后于温州市经济发展的状况,我们在深化港口投资体制改革,积极争取地方政府政策倾斜,探索走出一条在社会主义市场经济条件下建港投入产出良性循环的新路子方面,作了一些尝试。回顾几年来的工作实践,我们主要有以下体会:一、统一思想,提高对投资体制改革的认识 为了转变长期以来在计划经济体制下形成的固定资产投资方式,即由国家投资,港务局作为被投资者负责建港的传统观念,局党政领导认真学习了邓小平建设有中国特色的社会主义理论、党的十四届 With the gradual establishment of the socialist market economic system and the deepening of reform and opening up, more and more coastal government leaders in open port cities have paid special attention to the development of ports and the implementation of the strategy of “developing cities by ports”, which has provided good development for the ports Opportunities. In recent years, in order to change the status of development of Wenzhou Port lagging behind the economic development in Wenzhou as soon as possible, we are deepening the reform of the port investment system and actively favoring the policies of local governments. We are trying to find a benign investment in output under the socialist market economy Some attempts have been made to find new ways of recycling. Recalling the past few years of work practice, we mainly have the following experience: First, to unify our thinking and improve understanding of the reform of the investment system In order to change the fixed asset investment mode formed under the planned economy system for a long time, that is, by the state investment, the Port Authority as being Investors are responsible for establishing the traditional concept of port construction. Party and government leaders carefully studied Deng Xiaoping's theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. The party's fourteenth session
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洛阳源创电气有限公司提升机、胶带输送机0379-65112919承德市开发区科维电子有限公司给料机、皮带称0314-2161628杭州川空通用设备有限公司 Luoyang source Electric Co.,
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通过对军械仓库管理进行分析,运用AHP方法对相应的手段措施进行层次排序,给出当前搞好军械仓库管理应着重注意的工作及其原因分析。 Through the analysis of ordnance ware
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