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药品、药材以及医疗器械,是医药商业企业经营的商品。也是用来防病、治病、保健,计划生育的特殊商品。医药商业企业通过流通环节,为人民群众身体健康服务,同时也为社会主义建设积累资金。在社会主义四个现代化的建设中,如何加强企业管理,做好医药商业工作,提高经济效益,确是当前值得重视的一个问题。目前我区国营医药商业企业的现状是:实行第二步利改税后共有336个核算单位,其中大中型91个,小型245个;随着企业改革的深化,除11个医药,药材二级批发站仍属区直企业外,其余已下放当地管理,给企业增加了活力,并取得了较好的成绩,获得了新的发展,市场供应也基本上能满足医疗卫生防病治病的需要,发挥了国营商业主要渠道的作用。从1986年全区国营医药商业系统的经营情况看,商品销售总额比1985年增长15.13%,实现利润增长27.72%,上交利润增长6.2%,经济效益是好的。 Drugs, medicines, and medical devices are commodities that are operated by pharmaceutical commercial companies. It is also a special commodity used for disease prevention, medical treatment, health care, and family planning. Pharmaceutical commercial enterprises serve the people’s physical health through circulation, and also accumulate funds for socialist construction. In the four modernization of socialism, how to strengthen enterprise management, do a good job in pharmaceutical business, and increase economic efficiency are indeed issues that deserve attention. At present, the status quo of the state-owned pharmaceutical commercial enterprises in our district is: There are 336 accounting units after the implementation of the second-step tax reform, including 91 large and medium-sized ones and 245 small ones; with the deepening of enterprise reforms, with the exception of 11 pharmaceuticals and medicinal herbs The wholesale station is still outside the district enterprises, and the rest has been decentralized to local management, which has increased the vitality of the enterprises, and has achieved good results. New developments have been achieved, and the market supply can basically meet the needs of medical treatment for disease prevention and treatment. It played a major role in the state-owned business. From the operation of the state-owned pharmaceutical business system in the region in 1986, the total merchandise sales increased by 15.13% over 1985, achieving a profit increase of 27.72%, with a 6.2% profit increase, and the economic benefits were good.
1985年,中日双边进出口贸易总额为164.4亿美元,比1980年增加了78.7%.除美国之外,中国已经成为日本的最大贸易伙伴.但是,日中之间的贸易是很不平衡的, In 1985, the total bi