另一只眼看美国 我所看到的美国发达与繁荣的另一面

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2005年4月至10月,枣庄市委常委、组织部长蒋英建作为山东省中青年干部赴美培训团团长和临时党支部书记,在美国康涅狄格州中央州立大学接受了为期半年的行政与经济管理培训。期间他对州、市两级政府及部分名牌大学、著名企业总部、社区、农场等进行了实地考察,与美国的官员、教师、工人、企业家、农场主等进行了深入的交流,全方位、多层面、近距离地深入观察和体验了美国社会。根据在美国的所学、所见、所闻、所思、所悟,以《另一只眼看美国》为题,从政治、经济、文化、宗教、种族以及美国人的生活等十个方面,对美国社会进行了深入、理性的分析和思考,特别是对美国发达与繁荣的另一面作了客观描述,对于我们辩证地认识和研究美国,取其精华,弃其糟粕;对于我们进一步坚定中国特色社会主义信念,全面落实科学发展观,努力构建和谐社会,推动经济社会又快又好发展,具有积极的启示和借鉴作用。 April 2005 to October, Zaozhuang Municipal Committee, Organization Minister Jiang Yingjian as the young and middle-aged cadres in Shandong Province training mission and temporary party branch secretary, at the Central Connecticut State University in the United States accepted a six-month administrative and economic management training . During his visit to the state and municipal governments, some famous universities, famous corporate headquarters, communities and farms, he conducted in-depth exchanges with officials, teachers, workers, entrepreneurs and farmers in the United States. All-round , Multi-level, close-depth observation and experience of American society. According to what he has learned, seen, heard, thought and realized in the United States, and “looking at the United States from the other one,” he has taken the political, economic, cultural, religious, ethnic and other interests of the American people as their theme. Conducted an in-depth and rational analysis and reflection on American society. In particular, it objectively described the other side of the developed and prosperous U.S. economy in the face of our dialectical understanding and study of the United States, its essence and abandonment of its dross. As for our further determination of China Featuring socialist beliefs, fully implementing the scientific concept of development, making efforts to build a harmonious society, and promoting the rapid and sound economic and social development with a positive enlightenment and reference.
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一、生产增长情况  1 工业增加值:行业工业增加值增长稳定快速  10月份,医药制造业累计实现工业增加值同比增长15.6%,比9月份下降2个百分点。增速依然较快。  累计来看,2009年1~10月份,医药制造业累计工业增加值同比增长13.7%,增速比前9个月提高0.2个百分点。  2 产量分析:化学原料药产量同比下降幅度缩小,中成药产量增速回升  2009年1~10月份,全国化学原料药产量累计完成
目的:建立测定盐酸帕洛诺司琼含量及有关物质的高效液相色谱方法。方法:采用Alltima C18色谱柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm),以0.02 mol.L-1磷酸二氢钠溶液(含0.25%的三乙胺与0.01