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  1 The definition and the theoretical background
  The generic term of multimedia refers to processing various media like picture,text,sound and image in a digital way by computers and supplying for users in a friendly way.Furthermore,it deals with various media information,which is composed of text,figure,image,sound and animation synthetically by computers.All the information is logically connected in a certain way and combined into a system with the ability to interact,of which,the essence is to let people exchange information in an almost natural way with the help of computers.Today examples of multimedia in education and training include slides with synchronized audiotapes,videotapes,CD-ROMs,DVD,the World Wide Web,and virtual reality.So,the term multimedia encompasses the non-linear organization of text in hypertext and the non-linear and multiple information formats referred to in hypermedia.
  Multimedia-assisted Instruction (MAI) refers to the application of multimedia techniques on educational software .MAI integrates the use of different media such as video,animation,graphics,sound and text.It is also characterized by the construction of vivid and authentic contexts and the use of high-level integration between learners and systems.
  2 The implementation of multimedia-assisted vocabulary teaching
  2.1 MAI in the synonym teaching
  Graphical representation teaching.
  Graphical representation method reorganizes the scattered knowledge systematically,which enable students to understand the complete skeleton of knowledge with the overall vision.It can simplify the abstract knowledge through knowledge network structure,thus obtain the complete knowledge.The structure graphical representation method may help instructors to turn the difficult content into easy one.Therefore,this approach has been used in many subjects.As we all know,there are massive synonyms in English,which increase the difficulties of accurate and appropriate using of these terms.It is no doubt that using flexible graphical representation method will achieve the best teaching effect.The example is listed below:
  Teaching aims: Analysis the difference among below,under,above and over.
  Teaching steps:
  第一,Type the four words on the screen,and ask students to discuss the question:” What’s the difference among these four words?”
  第二,Group students in four to discuss the question.
  第三,Show the graph on the screen,and analysis the difference of these words according to the graph.(picture-1)   第四,Present some practice to consolidate.
  2.2 MAI in the antonym teaching
  2.2.1 Use film clips to learn antonym
  Audio-visual teaching has always been a very important and effective teaching method in second language teaching classrooms.Using film clips to learn antonym which belongs to this method.There is an example of this teaching method.
  Teaching aim: Make students understand the meaning of rise and sink.
  Teaching steps.
  第一,Play a clip about a soldier is raising a flag.There is a sentence at the bottom of the screen— “Look,the flag is rising.”
  第二,Play a clip from the film of 《新龍门客栈》.Against the backdrop of the sunset in the desert,the heroine Moyan is sinking in the quicksand.There has English dubbing —“Oh,what a beautiful sunset.Wow,she is sinking.That means she is dying.Now she is over.”
  第三,Explain the meaning of these two words to students.
  2.2.2 Use game competition method
  In English classroom instructions,some suitable games and competitions can create a relaxing and harmonious classroom atmosphere,exercise student’s thinking ability and raise student’s team spirit.There is an example of this teaching method.
  Teaching aims: Make students to master the following words’ antonym: legal,purity,fortune,ability,profit.
  Teaching steps.
  第一,Make some baskets which have the label of the affix,such as: il-,im-,dis-,non-,mis-) on the top of the screen.List the following words at the bottom of the screen: legal,purity,fortune,ability,profit.
  第二,Allow the baskets fall from the top of the screen to the bottom with a certain degree of speed.
  第三,Group the whole class in four,each group have one delegate to attend the contest.The contests must match the affix and the word.The winner will have a present.
  第四,Explain the words one by one to students.
  3 Conclusion
  Multimedia-assisted English vocabulary instruction should be served effectively for realizing the teaching aims.It should be useful for training students’ imagination and creative thought.If the whole period of class teaching were all designed into a courseware display,it is apt to form a pipe-lining programmed mode in which teachers are becoming operators to restrict students’ thought into a passive and rigescent state.The teaching aims cannot get realized consequently.So,no matter what kind of MAI it is,it must be subjected to teaching aims and put training students’ competence of “innovation” and “development” in the first place so as to inspire students’ activeness.
  MAI will not abandon the effective methods in traditional English language teaching.The traditional mode of English language teaching has its own advantage,whose effectiveness cannot be replaced by any modern education technique.If the two teaching means can be integrated into the teaching activities,we’ll definitely get the perfect effects.
摘 要:高中语文课堂教学的有效提问直接关系着学生学习语文知识的质量和效果,因此加强高中语文课堂有效提问教学是语文教育中非常重要的内容。这就要求教师真正的以提高学生的语文知识积累为教学目标,在提问的过程中帮助学生建立完整的知识框架,加深语文知识的理解和学习。本文主要对高中语文课堂有效提问的重要性进行分析,并以此为基础提出几点合理的建议,促进高中语文课堂有效提问的教学发展,引导学生有效的学习。  关键
摘 要:在教育事业发展过程中,积极的推动新课程改革,不断完善教学体系的理论建设,在教学理念、方法与评价等多个方面有了很大的进步,对促进学生的全面发展发挥出不少作用。就小学数学教学来说,数学是小学生学习中的一座高山,需要付出不少的努力,发挥出自身的主观性,才能够攀越高山。因此,教师要学会转变自身的教学理念,采用自主探究式的教学方法,引导学生养成探究性精神,在数学学习中养成自主性,与他人进行合作探索,
目的 总结Wallis棘突间动态稳定系统置入治疗早期腰椎退变性疾病的短期疗效.方法 2007年1月至2008年5月,共治疗36例(37间隙)腰椎间盘突出症患者.L2-3 1例,L3-4并L4-5 1例,其余均为L4-5间隙.男23例,女13例;年龄38~55岁,平均43岁.手术保留椎间盘突出节段棘突,以脊柱显微镜配合摘除突出的椎间盘,置入Wallis棘突间动态稳定系统并固定缝合.对患者术前及术后进
摘 要:在初中的教学过程中,学生会初步接触简单的物理知识,而在该过程中,学生能够发现物理知识与日常的学习和生活息息相关,但是在学习的过程中,由于物理知识的难度比较高,知识的严谨性和逻辑性更强,所以很多学生在学习的过程中,由于知识的专业性和逻辑思维能力不足而逐渐丧失学习积极性,使得学生的物理学习成绩得不到有效的提高,物理学习的兴趣也比较低。因此本文就针对初中的物理课堂教学工作进行分析,培养学生的物理
摘 要:世界上各个国家的教育都是不一样的,每个国家不仅有地域的差异,每个国家的文化也是不同的,教育渗透了国家,教育学的文化性格深受国家文化的影响。教育活动中各个要素之间的关系,从一定程度上体现了教育学的文化性格。而且中华文明源远流长、博大进深,国家文化有独特的文化性格,如果能够对国家的教育学文化性格足够了解,那对于高中生往后的学习是很有益的。基于此,本文对于教育学的文化性格特点探讨,仅供相关人士的
摘 要:高中阶段的数学课程内容较多,并且知识点之间存在联系性,数列通项解题需要将不同的思想应用到其中,提高自身的数学解题能力。本文通过内容体系、解题思路,两个方面对函数与方程思想分析进行了总结,并从变形转化、求和方法、递推计算,三个方面对函数与方程思想在求数列通项中的应用分析进行了总结,希望为关注这一话题的人们提供参考。  关键词:函数与方程思想;数列通项;递推计算  函数与方程思想为高中数学解题