
来源 :中国茶叶 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cangzhe
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安吉白茶(白叶茶)是一种珍罕的变异茶种,属于“低温敏感型”茶叶,其阈值约在23℃。茶树产“白茶”时间很短,通常仅一个月左右。以原产地浙江安吉为例,春季,因叶绿素缺失,在清明前萌发的嫩芽为白色。在谷雨前,色渐淡,多数呈玉白色。雨后至夏至前,逐渐转为白绿相间的花叶。至夏,芽叶恢复为全绿,与一般绿茶无异。正因为安吉白茶是在特定的白化期内采摘、加工和制作,所以茶叶经瀹泡后,其叶底也呈现玉白色,这是安吉白茶特有的性状。四川大竹县地处四川盆地边沿,属四川盆地中亚热带湿润季风气候区。气候温暖湿润,四季分明,热量丰富,日照适宜,雨量充沛,雨热同季,土壤以微酸性黄壤土为主。与安吉白茶的发源地均处于北纬31度左右,年降雨量1200毫米左右,年均日照时数都在1400小时以上,年日均气温在17℃左右,近十年冬季的绝对最低气温都在5℃以上,非常 Anji white tea (white leaf tea) is a rare variant of tea, is a “low temperature-sensitive” tea, the threshold is about 23 ℃. Tea tree production “white tea ” time is very short, usually only about a month. In the case of the native place of Anji, Zhejiang Province, in spring, because of the lack of chlorophyll, the buds that germinate before the Qingming are white. Before the valley rain, the color faded, most of the jade white. After the rain until the summer solstice, gradually transformed into white-green and white mosaic. Summer, the bud leaves restored to the whole green, no different from the general green tea. Because Anji white tea is picked, processed and made within a specific albino period, the leaf base of the tea leaves also appear jade white after it is blistered, which is characteristic of Anji white tea. Dazhu County, Sichuan Province is located in the edge of the Sichuan Basin, Sichuan Basin is a subtropical humid monsoon climate zone. Warm and humid climate, four distinct seasons, abundant heat, sunshine suitable, abundant rainfall, rain and heat in the same season, the soil is mainly slightly acidic yellow loam. And Anji white tea are located at about 31 degrees north latitude, the annual rainfall of about 1200 mm, the average annual sunshine hours are more than 1400 hours, the annual average temperature is about 17 ℃, the absolute minimum temperature in recent ten years in winter are 5 ℃ above, very
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