
来源 :西安建筑科技大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xynady
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房屋外围结构的热工指标有二:(1)外围结构的傅热阻——它与冬季室内经由外围结构损失的热量密切有关,因而涉及到采暖房屋经常的采暖费用;外围结构内表面温度的高低,也取决于围护结构的傅热阻,内表面温度过低,即有可能出现凝结水,同时对人体产生冷幅射作用:所以外围结构的傅热阻直接影响着房屋的技术经济和卫生的条件.(2)外围结构的热稳定性——根据我国气候特征,有广大地区最热月下午1点的平均温度在+25℃以上,为了防止夏季太阳幅射热使房屋过过热,外围结构对太阳幅射热作用的热稳定性就有着重大的意义.目前设计实践中,于设计采暖房屋的外围结构时,只是根据防止外围结构内表面对人体的冷幅射作用,和防止出现凝结水这两点来决定外围结构最小的传热阻或厚度,而并未考虑经济问题.应指出, There are two thermal indicators for the external structure of the house: (1) Thermal resistance of the peripheral structure - it is closely related to the loss of heat through the peripheral structure in the winter season, and thus involves the frequent heating costs of the heating house; the internal surface temperature of the external structure High and low, also depends on the thermal resistance of the envelope structure, the internal surface temperature is too low, that is, there may be condensation, and at the same time produce cold radiation on the human body: Therefore, the thermal resistance of the external structure directly affects the technical and economic housing and Hygienic conditions. (2) Thermal stability of the external structure - According to the climate characteristics of China, there is an average temperature of +25°C at 1 pm in the hottest months in the vast area, in order to prevent the summer solar radiation from overheating the house. The external structure has great significance for the thermal stability of the solar radiation heat. In the current design practice, when designing the external structure of a heating house, it is only based on preventing the cold radiation of the external surface of the external structure on the human body and preventing the appearance of cold radiation. The condensation of these two points to determine the minimum heat transfer resistance or thickness of the external structure, and did not consider the economic issues. It should be noted that
听了很多优秀教师的课,我的教学技能稍稍成熟了以后,我发现,语文老师不必那么累,不必太死板。要让老师更轻松,学生更爱学,做到深入浅出很重要。深入浅出地传授知识,轻松有趣地培养能力,老师们各有各的招数,而我呢,有“课本剧”这个秘密武器。  绝招一:“巧”用课本剧,调动课堂气氛  【教学个案】在学习《乡戏》这篇文章时,前半段学生挺感兴趣,学习第二自然段时读得声情并茂,可是文章的后半段就不是很吸引学生了。