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2016年民族团结月启动仪式在银川市民大厅广场举办,自治区党委常委、统战部部长马廷礼,自治区副主席马力,自治区政协副主席刘小河出席启动仪式,自治区有关部门、银川市负责同志以及民族团结进步模范代表和银川市各族各界群众共2000多人参加了启动仪式。马廷礼宣布2016年全区民族团结月活动正式启动。自治区副主席马力在启动仪式上说,多年来,宁夏“民族团结月”系列活动 The launching ceremony of the 2016 National Unity Month was held in the Square of Yinchuan Citizens’ Hall. Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Region, Ma Tseli, Minister of the United Front Work Department, Ma Li, Vice Chairman of the Autonomous Region, and Liu Xiahe, Vice Chairman of the Political Consultative Conference of the Autonomous Region attended the launching ceremony. Relevant departments of the autonomous region, responsible comrades of Yinchuan, A total of more than 2,000 people from all walks of life in Yinchuan City attended the launching ceremony. Ma Tingli announced the official launch of the ethnic solidarity month in 2016 in the region. Autonomous Region Vice Chairman Ma Li said at the launching ceremony that over the years, Ningxia “national unity month” series of activities
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