Unit 2重点词语专练

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  I. 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。
  1. Can you tell me the way to the hospital, ____ (女士)?
  2. If you explain to him, he will ____ (理解) you.
  3. Mike is not afraid of that ____ (强壮的) man.
  4. Winning the competition is a great ____ (满足) of him.
  5. The ____ (主人) of the dog is an old man.
  6. Parents get a lot of ____ (快乐) from watching their children grow up.
  7. Look! The workers are ____ (搬运) some heavy bags.
  8. The man is ____ (聋的).
  9. Kate’s hairstyle is ____ (相似的) to Anna’s.
  10. Our school is ready to ____ (募集) money for the old people in the poor mountainous area.
  II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。
  1. I have a ____ (feel) that something good may happen.
  2. After six months’ ____ (train), the dog could work with the policeman.
  3. We were all moved by his ____ (kind).
  4. The car hit my bike, and my bike is ____ (break) now.
  5. I want to thank you for ____ (open) the door for me.
  III. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。
  1. 他想为穷苦的孩子们创办一所学校。
  He wants to ____ ____ a school for the poor children.
  2. 他们决定推迟会议。
  They decided to ____ ____ the meeting.
  3. 我们最终想出了一些办法。
  We finally ____ ____ some solutions.
  4. 我弟弟喜歡在墙上张贴一些画。
  My brother likes ____ ____ some pictures on the wall.
  5. 她曾经教过书。
  She ____ ____ ____.
  6. 谢谢你寄给我一只这么可爱的玩具狗。
  Thank you ____ ____ me such a cute toy dog.
  7. 如果这台机器用光了它的能量,它就不工作了。
  If the machine ________ ________ ________ its energy, it won’t work.
  8. 中国最年轻的城市三沙市建立于2012年7月24日。
  Sansha, the youngest city of China was ____ ____ on July 24th, 2012.
  9. 帮助别人使我感到愉快。
  ____ others ____ me feel happy.
  10. 我想把这些书捐赠给贫困山区的孩子们。
  I’d like to ____ these books ____ to the children in the poor mountain areas.
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我们学过的情态动词有很多,它们往往用在请求别人帮助或征求别人意见的句子中。有了这些情态动词,我们的语言才能更加丰富多彩,could 就是其中一例。下面来看看它的用法吧。  一、表示能力  情态动词could作为can的过去式时,不表示委婉语气,而表示过去的能力或可能性,对其一般疑问句的回答仍可用could。  The boy could read when he was five years ol
1. Unit 1重點词语及句子  2. Unit 2重点词语及句子
《考试与评价》(八年级版)以“四位一体”英语教学法为指导思想,同步辅导教材,专业指导各类英语考试。本刊注重“双基”,帮助学生掌握英语基础知识(语音、词汇、语法),提高英语基本技能(读、听、写、说、译)。同时,新学期里我们根据市场反馈和调研结果,对杂志进行调整,使杂志更具实用性,为广大读者朋友们提供形式与内容完美统一的英语学习材料,本刊适合全校、全年级、全班统一使用。  本刊可分为四大模块进行编排: