
来源 :国外医学.输血及血液学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wik2pwerq32
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急性粒细胞白血病被认为是因多能干细胞水平的癌变,从而造成了可辨认的原始粒和早幼粒细胞阶段的成熟障碍。这些原始的白血病细胞是否能在某种环境因素下成熟,这是一个在治疗上有重要意义的问题。但对这一问题,各家所报告的结果是有争议的。为阐明该问题,作者选择三名染色体异常明显的白血病前期病人,作骨髓细胞液体培养研究,并同时对培养的骨髓细胞作连续的细胞遗传学分析和细胞化学(PAS、ASD-氯醋酸酯酶,a-萘基丁酸酯酶)及功能活性(吞噬酵母细胞能力)的观察,以确定培养细胞的来源和成熟情况。结果发现,该3例病人的培养骨髓细胞都出现了成熟迹象:在培养7天以内,未成熟的细胞显著上升,在第7天时有40~50%的细胞是不成熟的,但培养到14天时,有65~75%的细胞已成熟,至21天时有85%的细胞成熟,至28天时有95%的细胞达到形态上的成熟。在培养至14天时,60%在形态上成熟的白血病细胞能以类似于正常细胞的形式从培养液中吞噬1个或多个酵母细胞。对培养骨髓细胞所作的核型分析表明,在培养前3例病人的染色体异常分别为 Acute myelogenous leukemia is thought to be cancerous at the level of pluripotent stem cells, resulting in identifiable maturation disorders in the primary and promyelocytic phases. Whether these primitive leukemic cells can mature under certain environmental conditions is a therapeutically significant problem. But on this issue, the results reported by various parties are controversial. To elucidate this problem, the authors selected three patients with preexisting leukemia with obvious chromosome abnormalities for the study of liquid culture of bone marrow cells, and performed continuous cytogenetic analysis and cytochemistry on cultured bone marrow cells (PAS, ASD-chloroacetatesterase). , a-naphthyl butyrate esterase) and functional activity (phagocytic yeast cell capacity) were observed to determine the origin and maturation of cultured cells. The results showed that all three patients showed signs of maturation in cultured bone marrow cells: Within 7 days of culture, immature cells increased significantly. On the 7th day, 40 to 50% of the cells were immature, but cultured to 14 At daytime, 65-75% of the cells have matured, and 85% of the cells matured by 21 days, and 95% of the cells reached morphological maturity by 28 days. At 14 days of culture, 60% of morphologically mature leukemia cells can phagocytose 1 or more yeast cells from the culture fluid in a manner similar to normal cells. Karyotype analysis of cultured bone marrow cells showed that the chromosomal abnormalities in the 3 patients before the culture were
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本病又称瘤样淋巴组织增生或血管滤泡性淋巴组织增生等。实则临床并非少见,将我们遇到的两例报告如下: 例1 郭××,女,12岁,学生,昌邑县人,住院号7534。因左腹部包块5年就医