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鞍钢无缝钢管厂自1984年建立起“一长、三师”的领导体系这一改革,对实现行政领导班子的高智能化,改善经营管理,增强企业活力,提高经济效益,显出其积极的作用。“一长、三师”中的“一长”,是指厂长(现在设一名副厂长协助厂长工作,在厂长不在时代行厂长职务)。厂长负责抓好全面生产经营管理工作。“三师”是指总工程师、总经济师、总会计师。在厂长的领导下,“三师”从各自方面相对独立自主地抓相关专业生产经营管理工作。总工程师统一组织,全面负责全厂的生产技术工作。其主要任务是:贯彻执行党和国家的技术政策;有计划地、合理地组织企业各项生产技术活动,建立良好的生产技术 The reform of the “One-and three-divisional” leadership system established by the Anshan Iron and Steel Seamless Steel Tube Factory since 1984 has resulted in the realization of high intelligence for the executive leadership team, improvement of business management, enhancement of enterprise vigor, and improvement of economic efficiency. The role. The “long” in “one long and three divisions” refers to the factory manager (now a deputy factory director to assist the factory manager to work, and the factory manager is not the director of the factory in time). The director is responsible for the overall production management. “Three divisions” refers to chief engineer, chief economist and chief accountant. Under the leadership of the factory manager, the “three divisions” have relatively independent and independent management of related professional production, operation and management. The chief engineer is organized in a unified manner and is fully responsible for the production technology of the whole plant. Its main tasks are: to implement the party’s and the country’s technology policies; to systematically and reasonably organize the company’s various production technology activities and establish a good production technology
五、炉料分布规律 1.粉末作用规律高炉煤气从下部上升,速度较快,穿过固体料柱时携带大量粉末.当煤气离开料面以后,速度骤然下降一倍多,携带的粉末部分沉降下来.在炉喉平面上
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免疫系统在维持对自身耐受的同时,必须识别外来病原等异己物质,此种识别功能的敏感性和特异性很大程度上有赖于Toll样受体(Toll-like receptors,TLRs)的表达。TLRs是高度保守