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1一抬头,山茶花就开了。开了三朵。每朵花都开得层层叠叠、繁繁复复,像古代女子的着装,无论长的短的宽的窄的,总归是要一件一件袅袅娜娜披上身的。它们全都有着椭圆形乳白色的花瓣,每一片花瓣的上面,又或粗或细或深或浅地纵向分布着玫红色的条纹,少则一道,多则三五道,看似散淡随意,实则改变了整朵花的气质:花朵们白里透红,淡妆浓抹,富贵被娇羞约束,飞扬被婉转收敛。 1 looked up, camellia on it. Opened three. Each flower is held in layers, complex, like ancient women’s dress, no matter how long the short, wide and narrow, is always to be a piece of a curl Nana topped. They all have oval milky petals, above each petal, or rough or thin or dark or light vertical distribution of the red rose stripes, ranging from as many as three or five, seemingly random, but in fact changed The whole flower of the temperament: the flowers are rosy, makeup thick wipe, wealth is shyness constraints, flying was mildly convergent.
In documenting clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of graft versus host disease (GVHD), we retrospectively analyzed data of one case that has dev
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本文通过美术教育对德、智、体等方面的促进作用,论述美术教育在基础教育中的重要作用。 This article discusses the important role of art education in basic education
During normal metabolism, oxidative bypro-ducts will inevitably generate and damage molecules thereby impairing their biological functions, including the is a t
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