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目的了解河北省出生缺陷发生率、主要出生缺陷病种及变化趋势。方法采用回顾性分析方法,对河北省2001-2012年1 202 291例围产儿出生缺陷监测资料进行分析。结果 1)12年间出生缺陷发生率从2001年的72.76/104上升到2012年的103.44/104,上升了42.17%;2)主要出生缺陷顺位依次为先天性心脏病、多指(趾)、总唇裂、外耳其他畸形、先天性脑积水、神经管缺陷;3)出生缺陷存在城乡、男女差别,城市明显高于农村(P<0.01),男性明显高于女性(P<0.01);4)出生缺陷发生与母亲的年龄有关,以25~30岁出生缺陷发生率最低。结论出生缺陷发生率呈逐渐升高趋势,婚前医学检查率和产前筛查率低、孕母高龄/低龄及环境因素是导致出生缺陷发生率升高的重要原因。 Objective To understand the incidence of birth defects, the main types of birth defects and their changing trends in Hebei Province. Methods A retrospective analysis method was used to analyze the data of 1 202 291 cases of perinatal birth defects in Hebei Province from 2001 to 2012. Results 1) The incidence of birth defects in 12 years increased from 72.76 / 104 in 2001 to 103.44 / 104 in 2012, up by 42.17%. 2) The major birth defects followed by congenital heart disease, multi-digit, Total cleft lip, other malformations of the external ear, congenital hydrocephalus and neural tube defects; 3) birth defects exist in urban and rural areas, and there is a significant difference between men and women in urban areas, significantly higher in urban areas than in rural areas (P <0.01); 4 ) Birth defects occur with the mother’s age, with 25 to 30-year-old birth defects the lowest incidence. Conclusions The incidence of birth defects is gradually increasing. Premarital medical examination rate and prenatal screening rate are low. Pregnant aged / younger age and environmental factors are the important reasons leading to the increased incidence of birth defects.
《老友》专家门诊:我患血小板减少性紫癜症已两年多,病情经常反复,有时血小板降至3千,长期服药带来面部浮肿和白 “Friends” expert clinic: I suffer from thrombocytopen
基辅—康泰弗来克斯系列,这类相机属于35mm内测光单镜头反光帘幕快门相机,简写为35mm DF相机(英文SLR);Kiev10,kiev15 TEE,Kiev15 TTL属于此类。Kiev10,kiev15 TEE,Kiev15 T
动脉硬化是随着人年龄增长而出现的血管疾病。一般来说,男性较女性多。近年来此病的发生率在我国逐渐增多,成为老年人死亡主要原因之一。 Arteriosclerosis is a vascular d