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笨狼上学总是学不明白,他就不想上学了。妈妈说:“孩子,你不上学,总得学点儿本领,以后好养活自己啊!”笨狼想了想,说:“那,我去学什么呢?”妈妈说:“隔壁兔子大婶会种菜,你去跟她学种菜吧。”笨狼来到兔子大婶家,一进门,他就高声喊道:“兔子,我来跟你学种菜!”兔子大婶看了笨狼一眼,心想:这孩子,怎么这么没礼貌啊?兔子虽然心里不高兴,但一想到笨狼的妈妈是自己多年的邻居,就笑呵呵地说:“学种菜,又脏又累,还得有耐性, Stupid wolf always do not understand school, he did not want to go to school. My mother said: ”“ Children, you do not go to school, you have to learn a little bit of ability, and later to feed yourself! ”“ Stupid Wolf thought for a while and said: ”What do I go to learn?“ ”Mom said: Aunt next door will grow vegetables, you go to school with her. “Stupid Wolf came to Aunt Rabbit house, entered the door, he shouted:” Rabbit, I’ll learn to teach you vegetables! " Aunt Bunny looked stupid wolf, thought: This child, how so rude ah? Although the rabbit was not happy, but the thought of stupid wolf’s mother is his neighbors for many years, hesitated to say: , Dirty and tired, have patience,
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