Emissions of Er3+ and Yb3+ co-doped SrZrO3 nanocrystals under near-infrared and near-ultraviolet exc

来源 :先进陶瓷(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gg42201
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In this study,the upconversion (UC) emissions of Er3+ and Yb3+ co-doped SrZrO3 nanocrystals (NCs) were investigated in terms of the thermal annealing temperature and concentration of Er3+ ions and compared with the emissions under a near-ultraviolet (near-UV) excitation.The NCs were synthesized by the combustion method,and the as-synthesized NCs were post-annealed at high temperatures.The X-ray diffraction patterns revealed that the grain sizes and crystallinity degrees of the samples increased with increasing annealing temperatures.The photoluminescence spectra of our samples exhibited strong green and very weak red emissions with the near-UV excitation,originating from the f-f transitions in the Er3+ ions.Interestingly,under near-infrared (near-IR) excitation,we identified sizable visible emissions at 525,547,and 660 nm in our NCs,which indicated that the UC process successfully occurred in our NCs.These UC emissions were maximized in the NCs with an Era+ concentration of 0.02 and thermal annealing at 1000 ℃.We found that the intensity ratios of red to green emissions increased with increasing annealing temperatures.We discussed the differences in the emissions between near-UV and near-IR excitations.
The successful worldwide cultivation of hexaploid wheat in a diverse range of environments is because of, in part, breeding and selection for appropriate headin
中图分类号:G843 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-9328(2012)02-000-01  摘 要 足球运动不光是靠技战术来支配比赛,还需要有良好的足球意识的球员来完成整个比赛的流程。一些精彩的比赛,都是由有良好足球意识的球员来完成的。  关键词 足球运动 足球意识  首先我们来了解一下意识的概念,根据现代心理学的观点,意识是“客观现实在人脑中的反应,是心理活动的高级形式
赵洪大伯有十几年没喝酒了,自从生产大跃进起,他破例地喝了三次。今天吃晚饭的时候,他又打了一瓶子老白干,还让家人每人喝一盅。酒盅挨个轮,儿子、媳妇、女儿一个个领了盅,最后轮到他的老伴洪大娘,可就停住了。  这老婆子,手把着酒盅,两只眼珠子不动地盯着老头子的脸。心里暗想:看这老东西那满脸高兴劲儿,准是社里又出了喜事儿。不然,他不会喝酒,也不会这么高兴。这老两口子和气一辈子了。尤其儿女们已经长大成人,娶