恩源敦行 知源获智——福建省清流县实验小学

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福建省清流县实验小学创建于1906年,历经百年,桃李满天下,学子遍五洲。学校几经更名,1963年正式命名为“清流县实验小学”。学校占地面积16020平方米,有41个教学班,学生2283人,教师133人。学校以“思源敦行,知源获智”为校训,以“共建孩子成长乐园,共创教师发展空间”为办学宗旨,以“承源力行,人人成才”为办学理念,全面推进素质教育,努力培养和形成“探源启明,勤思善教”的教风、“承源求实,多思乐学”的学风和“培源润新,尚思进取”的校风。 Qingliu County Experimental Primary School was founded in 1906, after hundreds of years, peaches and plums all over the world, students in all continents. The school changed its name several times, officially named in 1963 as “Qingliu Experimental Primary School”. The school covers an area of ​​16020 square meters, there are 41 teaching classes, students 2283 people, 133 teachers. The school to “Siyuan trip, the source of wisdom,” as the motto, “to build a paradise for children to grow together to create a teacher development space ” for the purpose of running a school, Philosophy, promote quality education in an all-round way, and strive to cultivate and form “the source of Qiming, diligent and good teaching” teaching style, “” Chengyuan realistic and more music learning “style and Progressive ”school spirit.
作为幼儿园的管理者要更新观念,创新管理方法,从幼儿园的实际出发,前瞻性地远景规划,谋划顶层设计,创造性地开展工作。 As a kindergarten manager to update their concept
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