
来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zltxgl
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国民经济动员管理体制不仅关系国民经济的平战转换能力,而且关系“四化”建设速度的高低和综合国力的强弱。研究经济动员管理体制设置,具有重大的现实意义和历史意义。本文在论述国民经济动员的内涵和体系、国民经济动员管理体制的界说和内涵之后认为,国民经济动员管理体制设置应遵循以下主要原则:一是管理决策权高度集中原则。二是平战结合、军政结合原则。三是精干高效原则。依据此原则,我国经济动员管理机构体系,可以按“两性四分支”形式构建。 The system of mobilizing and managing the national economy not only relates to the ability to transform the country into a peaceful war, but also relates to the speed of construction of the “four modernizations” and the strength of comprehensive national strength. Studying the economic mobilization management system has great realistic and historical significance. After discussing the connotation and system of mobilization of national economy and the definition and connotation of national economic mobilization management system, this paper argues that the following principles should be followed in setting up national economic mobilization management system: First, the principle of a high concentration of management decision-making power. The second is the combination of peacetime and warfare, and the principle of integrating military with government. Third, lean and efficient principle. According to this principle, China's economic mobilization and management of the institutional system, can be “gender bifurcation” form of building.
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一支军队若无合适的军服,就会完全处于失败的境地,若不能抵御冰雪严寒,就会陷入困境。 1941年,德军曾在苏联经历过这种遭遇。当时,德军本来满怀希望的夏、秋季的闪电战,却变
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