《稀土术语》—接轨国际 国家“稀土术语”修订调研组南下首站到达四川

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受国家标准化委员会委托,5月30日,由包研院副院长许涛为组长、国家稀土产品质量监督检验中心副主任袁利兵、国家稀土质检中心副主任冯中则、包头稀土研究院理化检测中心主任郝茜、包头稀土研究院信息中心高级翻译王春笋等组成的国家稀土标准化《稀土术语》修订调研小组抵蓉。在四川省稀土行业协会的精心组织和安排下,开展了为期四天的行业《稀土术语》调研工作。我国现行实施的《稀土术语》(GB/T15676-1995),是国家标准委员会于1955年颁布并实施的。16年来,全球稀土产业得到了快速发展,特别 Commissioned by the National Commission for Standardization, May 30, led by Xu Tao, vice president of the Institute for Package Research, Yuan Libing, deputy director of the National Rare Earth Products Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, Feng Zhong Ze, deputy director of the National Rare Earth Quality Inspection Center, Baotou Rare Earth Research Institute Hao Xi, director of Physical and Chemical Testing Center, Baotou Rare Earth Research Institute Information Center advanced translation Wang Chunsun and other countries composed of rare earth standardized “rare earth terminology” revised research team arrived in Chengdu. Rare Earth Industry Association in Sichuan Province, the well-organized and arranged under the four-day industry carried out “rare earth terminology” research work. China’s current implementation of the “rare earth terms” (GB / T15676-1995), was promulgated and implemented by the National Standards Commission in 1955. 16 years, the global rare earth industry has been rapid development, especially
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