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根据1928—1932年两广地质调查所的报告,在广东沿海一带都有寒武纪前的变质岩系,包括正片麻岩,副片麻岩、片岩、大理岩和石英岩等。因为岩性和构造的复杂,加以南方湿热的气候,岩石风化极深露头荫蔽亦大,所以这些变质岩的层位时代问题,尚未得到正确的了解,也很少作广泛的对比,又因为广东沿海一带中生代的花岗岩分布很广,往往又把这些片麻岩和流状花岗岩或花岗岩的边缘相混为一谈。 1948年杨杰先生曾在珠江下游作过短期的地质旅行,他认为华南也如有华北所产的片麻岩系(寒武纪前的变质岩系)他的结论是:全中国不论华北、华西、华中、和华南都有太古代片麻岩系的地层(广州市十二科学团体联合年会会报第一期25页1949)。作者等於1949年冬到1950年春,先後曾在中山大学前门附近到瘦狗岭一带,和广州市郊联和市的北边,铜锣潭附近观察,见到两种不同的片麻状的岩石。从前哈安姆 According to the 1928-1932 report of the Geological Survey of Guangdong and Guangxi, there are pre-Cambrian metamorphic rocks along the coast of Guangdong, including orthogneiss, paragneiss, schist, marble and quartzite. Because of the complexity of lithology and structure, with the hot and humid climate in the south, the weathering of the rock is very deep and outcropped, so the age of these metamorphic rocks has not yet been correctly understood and rarely used for extensive comparison. The Mesozoic granites are widely distributed along the coast and often combine the gneiss with the edges of flowing granite or granite. In 1948, Mr. Yang Jie had made short-term geological trips in the lower reaches of the Pearl River. He believed that the South China also has the gneiss lines (metamorphic rocks before Cambrian) produced in North China. He concluded: No matter in North China, West China, Both Central China and South China have the strata of the Archean gneiss (Guangzhou Joint Meeting of 12 Scientific Societies, No. 1, 25, 1949). The author is equal to the winter of 1949 to the spring of 1950, has been near the front door of Sun Yat-sen University to the thin dog ridge area, and the northern suburbs of Lianhe City, Guangzhou Tonglu nearby observation, saw two different gneiss rock. Once upon a time
It was with pain and grieved emotion that I received the news of Professor Amadeus Grabau’s decease some time ago; and I felt, deeply and warmly, that I had l
THE beautiful garden city of Sanming in southwest Fu-jian Province covers an area of 22,900 sq km and has a population of 2.68 million. Regarded as an ecologica