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金属氢氧化物溶解度的规律性可用离子极化理论来探讨并予以解释。本文指出可应用本作者以前所建议的金属离子(水合)场强度φ+W=Z′/R_(+W)~2作为金属氢氧化物溶解度的统一判断依据,并求得一简单公式用以计算金属氢氧化物的pkm: pKm=φ~2+W+14φ+w+4.2 φ+W=Z′/R_(+W)~2=Z′/(r_++r_W)~2 式中Z′金属离子的的有效核电荷,r_+=金属离子半径,r_W=水分子半径。此公式适用于各种价态及外层电子结构的金属离子的氢氧化物。本文比较了各种金属氢氧化物的pkm计算值和实验值,57种计算值与实验值的平均误差为-0.44。 The regularity of solubility of metal hydroxide can be discussed and explained by ion polarization theory. This paper points out that the field intensity of metal ion (hydration) φ + W = Z ’/ R _ (+ W) ~ 2 suggested by the author can be used as a uniform judgment basis for the solubility of metal hydroxide and a simple formula Calculate the pkm of metal hydroxide: pKm = φ ~ 2 + W + 14φ + w + 4.2 φ + W = Z ’/ R _ (+ W) ~ 2 = Z’ / (r_ ++ r_W) ’The effective nuclear charge of metal ions, r_ + = radius of metal ions, r_W = radius of water molecules. This formula applies to a variety of valence and outer electronic structure of metal ions hydroxide. In this paper, the calculated pkm values ​​and experimental values ​​of various metal hydroxides are compared. The average error between the 57 calculated and experimental values ​​is -0.44.
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