信息化作战中 如何增强部队的凝聚力

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部队凝聚力,是指部队内部官兵之间、兵兵之间在相互吸引的基础上产生的愿意分担部队作战等任务的心理合力。部队凝聚力对于保持部队的整体性和协调性具有十分重要的作用。强大的部队凝聚力是信息化作战战胜强敌、发展自我力量的源泉。面对信息化作战战场残酷恶劣的作战环境,我军政治工作必须把增强部队的凝聚力,作为克敌制胜的基础性工作抓紧抓好。一、要用坚定的理想信念凝聚军心,鼓舞官兵战斗意志。理想信念作为世界观的核心,是人的思想和行为的最高调节器,也是我军信息化作战部队凝聚力的最深厚的源泉。当前,我军官兵听从党指挥、热血洒疆场、忠心报祖国的理想信念牢固,但面对利益关系调整的现实思想困惑较多,政治工作必须把铸牢理想信念作为信息化作战增强部队凝聚力的基础抓紧抓好。引 The cohesion of the armed forces refers to the psychological cooperation that is made on the basis of mutual attraction among officers and soldiers within the armed forces and willing to share the tasks of the troops in fighting. Force cohesion plays a very important role in maintaining the integrity and coordination of the force. The strong cohesion of the armed forces is a source of defeating powerful enemies in information technology and developing their own forces. Facing the cruel and hostile operational environment in the battlefield of informationized operations, our military’s political work must pay close attention to enhancing the cohesion of the military as the basic work to defeat the enemy. First, we should use unwavering ideals and convictions to unite the military forces and encourage the officers and men’s will to fight. As the core of world outlook, ideal belief is the highest regulator of human thought and behavior and the deepest source of the cohesion of our military’s informationization troops. At present, our army officers and men obey the ideology and conviction of the party commanding, sparing no efforts in reserving the battlefield and loyally reporting to the motherland. However, in the face of more confusion in the real thinking of the adjustment of the interest relations, political work must enhance the cohesion of the army by using the faith of casting castration ideals as information technology Grasp the foundation do a good job. lead
在思想政治教育过程中,教育者和受教育者之间存在意识互动,科学认识并充分发挥意识互动在思想政治教育中的能动性,对提升思想政治教育效力有重要意义。 In the process of i
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思想政治教育要增强实效性,必须遵循认同规律,坚持科学的利益认同,培养深厚的情感认同,实现根本的价值认同。 Ideological and political education to enhance effectivene
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