来源 :福州总医院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hothook
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Objective To establish a rapid genotyping for HLA-DR alleles by polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers(PCR-SSP)for clinical application. Material and Methods The subjects of study included 69 recipients, 43 unrelated donors and 5 cell lines, Genomic DNA was prepared from peripheral blood leukocytes by a salting-out method. Thirty primers were designed according to the HLA-DRB nucleotide sequences, and synthesized on a 391 DNA synthesizer, Twenty separate PCR reactions were perfomed for each sample, The amplification was accomplished by 34 cycles consisting of denaturation at 94℃ for 30 seconds, annealing at 60℃ for 50 seconds and extension at 72℃ for 40 seconds. The specificity of matching was determined by standard DNAs and Southern hybridization using DIG labeling probes. Results All 112 samples and 5 cell lines were able to be typed by PCRSSP. No false positive or false negative typing results were obtained. The reproducibility was 100%. The size of the specific product was in concordance with the size of the designed primers. The overall time for genotyping was 4 hours. The typing results were confimed by Southem hybridization. Conclusions Genotyping for HA-DR by PCR-SSP is a rapid and accurate matching technique suited for clinical application. Objective To establish a rapid genotyping for HLA-DR alleles by polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers (PCR-SSP) for clinical application. Material and Methods The subjects of study included 69 recipients, 43 unrelated donors and 5 cell lines, Genomic DNA was prepared from peripheral blood leukocytes by a salting-out method. Thirty primers were designed according to the HLA-DRB nucleotide sequences, and synthesized on a 391 DNA synthesizer, Twenty separate PCR reactions were perfomed for each sample, The specificity of matching was determined by standard DNAs and Southern hybridization using DIG labeling probes. Results All 112 samples and 5 cell lines were able to be typed by PCRSSP. No false positive or false negative typing results were obtained. The reproducibility was 100%. The size of the speci The overall results for genotyping was 4 hours. The typing results were confimed by Southem hybridization. Conclusions Genotyping for HA-DR by PCR-SSP is a rapid and accurate matching technique suited for clinical application.
商陆为常用利尿药,作者对商陆(Phytolacca es-culenta Van Hontte)、其代用品日本商陆(P.japonicaMakino)、掺假制品美洲商陆(P.americana Linn.)、混杂制品‘生马-商陆’(I
我国自1971年以来,慢性气管炎治疗的研究工作,大体上分三个方面,现分别叙述如下: (一)止咳、祛痰、平喘药物的发掘和应用 1971年6月全国防治慢性气管炎会议推选出疗效比较好
本文提出了在学习和研究传统中成药的过程中,应当了解方剂的分类法、熟悉方书、理解方义和掌握工具书。并对这些方面扼要地指出了学习的线索和必要的参考书。 This article
中药罗汉果是葫芦科植物罗汉果[Thla-diantha grosvenorii(Swingle)C.Jeffrey.]的干燥成熟果实,有清热润肺、止咳、消暑解渴、凉血润肠的功效,同时又是一种高级饮料的原料。