孟定农场热区开发投资小 见效快

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云南孟定农场是一个有10000多人口、5000多职工、有30000多亩橡胶的中型企业。为解决人均资源占有量相对不足的矛盾 ,加快农场的发展 ,1994年农场利用地方政府出让“四荒”的优惠政策 ,向沧源县南腊乡和耿马县富荣乡购买了30000万多亩荒山用于热作开发? Yunnan Mengding Farm is a medium-sized enterprise with more than 10000 population, more than 5000 workers and 30,000 mu of rubber. In order to solve the contradiction between relative shortage of resources per capita and accelerate the development of the farm, in 1994, the farm utilized the preferential policies of local governments to transfer “four wastelands” and purchased more than 300 million yuan from Nanlao Township in Cangyuan County and Fu Rongxiang in Gengma County Acres of barren hills for hot work development?
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对付蚊子六法 香水驱蚊:在床单上洒点香水,蚊子就不敢飞近。 香烟头驱蚊:把香烟头收集起来,剥取烟丝,投入厕所,可除臭驱蚊。 清凉油驱蚊:在卧室内,放几盒揭开盖的清凉油,可
以突出“弘扬鞋帽文化、推广中外名品”为主题的 2 0 0 0年秋季全国鞋帽商品交易会暨上海国际鞋帽商品博览会已于 9月 2 3日在上海闭幕。上海回力鞋业公司回力牌胶鞋、上海大
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为美化人民生活,保护身体健康,本刊开辟“皮肤保健医生”园地,聘请一些享有名望的皮肤科专家,就护肤养颜问题及化妆美容病患者进行义诊,欢迎读者来函求医。 In order to bea