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近些年来,随着教学改革的逐渐深入,教育事业又取得了累累硕果。在高中课程体系中,高中语文是一门基础必修课,直接关系到学生高考成绩和今后的升学发展,因此高中教育历来就重视高中语文教学。一直以来,语文教学模式都是“填鸭式”的教学模式,学生主体性得不到充分的发挥,很明显,这种教学模式根本无法满足新时期高中语文教学的实际需要了,有必要进行改进。作为一种西方教育理论,合作学习目前已逐步应用于我国语文教学课程,已逐渐成为重要的语文教学课程改革的指导理论,该理论的基本思想就是要改变传统的教学模式,及时进行教育思想转变,以实现学生合作能力和表现能力的培养。基于此,本文将专就高中语文教学中合作学习教学组织对策进行深入探究,旨在为高中语文教学提供一定的参考。 In recent years, with the gradual deepening of teaching reform, education has achieved great success. In senior high school curriculum system, the high school Chinese is a basic compulsory course, which is directly related to the students’ college entrance examination scores and the future progression of higher education. Therefore, high school education has always attached importance to Chinese teaching in senior high schools. All along, the Chinese teaching model is “spoon-fed ” teaching mode, the student subjectivity can not be fully played, it is clear that this teaching model can not meet the actual needs of high school Chinese teaching in the new era, it is necessary Improve. As a kind of western educational theory, cooperative learning has gradually been applied to our country’s teaching of Chinese at present, and has gradually become the important guiding theory of the reform of Chinese teaching. The basic idea of ​​this theory is to change the traditional teaching mode and change the educational thoughts in time , In order to achieve the students ability to co-operate and develop ability. Based on this, this article will conduct an in-depth study on the countermeasures of cooperative learning teaching organization in high school Chinese teaching so as to provide certain reference for Chinese teaching in senior high schools.
The binding of caffeine to human serum albumin (HSA) under physiological conditions has been stud-ied by the methods of fluorescence,UV-vis absorbance and circu