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最近,党中央、国务院转发了中宣部、司法部《关于在公民中开展法制宣传教育第五个五年规划》的通知,全国人大常委会作出了《关于加强法制宣传教育的决议》,省委、省政府近日转发了省委宣传部、省司法厅《关于在全省开展法制宣传教育的第五个五年规划》的通知,标志着“五五”普法规划开始启动。法制宣传教育是提高全民素质、推进依法治国基本方略、建设社会主义法治国家的一项基础性工作。我国已先后顺利实施了四个五年普法规划,有效地推进了社会主义法治建设,保障和促进了经济社会的发展。但法治建设是长期的工程,普及法律常识、建设法治国家依然任重道远。要通过实施“五五”普法规划,继续深入扎实开展法制宣传教育和法治实践,进一步提高全民法律意识和法律素质;进一步增强公务员社会主义法治理念,提高依法行政能力和水平;进一步增强各级政府和社会组织依法治理的自觉性,提高依法管理和服务社会的水平。实施“五五”普法规划,要突出重点,增强针对性,切实抓好领导干部、公务员、青少年、企业经营管理人员和农民等重点对象的法制宣传教 Recently, the Central Party Committee and the State Council forwarded the Notice of the Central Propaganda Department and the Ministry of Justice on “Carrying out the Fifth Five-year Plan for Legal Publicity and Education among Citizens”. The NPC Standing Committee has made the “Resolution on Strengthening Legal Publicity and Education,” the provincial The CPC and the provincial government have recently forwarded the notice of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Department of Justice on the “Fifth Five-year Plan for Promoting Legal System Education in the Province”, marking the start of the “Five-year-plan” popularization. The legal publicity and education is a basic work for improving the overall quality of the people, advancing the basic strategy of governing the country according to law and building a socialist country ruled by law. China has successfully implemented four five-year plans for popularizing law and effectively promoted the building of a socialist legal system and guaranteed and promoted the economic and social development. However, the construction of the rule of law is a long-term project that popularizes the common sense of law and there is still a long way to go to build a country ruled by law. We should continue to carry out publicity, education and legal practice in the legal system in a down-to-earth manner so as to further raise the awareness of laws and legal standards for all citizens, further enhance the concept of the socialist rule of law in civil servants and enhance the ability and level of administration according to law. We should further enhance Level government and social organizations in accordance with the law of self-awareness, improve the management according to law and serve the community. We should give prominence to the key points, enhance the pertinence and earnestly do a good job in legal publicity and education for such key subjects as leading cadres, civil servants, youths, enterprise managers and peasants, etc.
“全国法院先进集体”——潍坊市中级人民法院,在强化思想政治工作,保持廉洁方面,坚持了四点做法: 重点抓了三个教育。一是职业道德教育。先后以“人民法官的职业道德”、“
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我国的六大古都一般指北京、南京、西安、洛阳、开封和杭州。北京“燕台一去客心惊,笳鼓喧喧汉将营。万里寒光生积雪,三边曙色动危旌。沙场烽火 The six ancient capitals o
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何谓非物质文化遗产 在联合国教科文组织公布的《世界文化与自然遗产名录》中,我国已有28处世界遗产,位居世界第三。2000年联合国教科文组织又正式设立了《非物质文化遗产代