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根据国家发改委、能源局的安排以及国家电网公司办公厅2011年6月9日印发的《关于做好农网改造升级示范县工作的通知》要求,各网省公司于当年的7月10日前,组织完成了各示范县建设方案的编制和审查工作。经确定的农网改造升级示范县,其建设方案不仅要符合当地电网建设及经济发展的现状,还要充分考虑地区“十二五”电网发展规划和未来经济发展对电力的需求。两年来,国家电网公司确定的86家示范县,在实施农网改造升级工作中遵循相关规定和原则,向建设安全可靠、节能环保、技术先进、管理规范的新农村电网目标迈进,不断探寻着新一轮农网改造升级工作的新思路、新方法和新模式。本期特别策划共选取了86家农网改造升级示范县中的12家,对他们的创建经验和举措进行了探讨和总结。其中,基本型的农网改造升级示范县有四家,分别是安徽凤阳、湖南宁乡、重庆垫江和湖南望城;特色型的示范县有五家,分别是安徽广德、甘肃舟曲、四川贡井、山东即墨、青海同德;先进型示范县有三家,分别是安徽肥西、山东胶州、宁夏贺兰。 According to the arrangement of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Bureau of Energy and the Notice on Doing a Good Job of Rural Power Grid Reforming and Upgrading Demonstrative Counties issued on June 9, 2011, all the provincial and provincial government companies prior to July 10 of the same year, Organized the construction of demonstration counties in the preparation and review of the program. After the demonstration of transformation and upgrading of rural power grids has been confirmed, the construction plan should not only meet the current situation of local power grid construction and economic development, but also take full account of the power demand of the regional “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” grid development plan and future economic development. In the past two years, 86 demonstration counties identified by State Grid Corporation of China followed the relevant regulations and principles in the process of upgrading and reforming rural power grids, and made continuous efforts to achieve the goal of building a new rural power grid that is safe, reliable, energy-saving and environment-friendly, technologically advanced and well-regulated A new round of rural network transformation and upgrading of new ideas, new methods and new models. This special planning selected a total of 86 rural power grids to transform and upgrade the demonstration counties in 12, on their experience and initiatives to create a discussion and summary. Among them, the basic model of rural power grids to transform and upgrade demonstration counties have four, namely Anhui Fengyang, Hunan Ningxiang, Chongqing Dianjiang and Hunan Wangcheng; featured demonstration counties have five, respectively, Guangde Anhui, Gansu Zhouqu , Sichuan Gongjing, Shandong Jimo, Qinghai Tongde; advanced demonstration counties have three, namely, Anhui Feixi, Shandong Jiaozhou, Ningxia Helan.
本刊讯北京首家利用现代科技手段的网络服务(帮扶)中心——东城区总工会服务(帮扶)中心日前成立,今后,东城区的困难 Xinhua Beijing’s first network using modern means o
有许多问题,在这里想不明白,也许到了西藏便可以茅塞顿开;也有些问题在那里已不再是问题了。 There are many problems here do not understand, maybe go to Tibet can be