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1父亲僵硬的身体被白被单盖住,在一间新腾出的房间里。窗户很小,木板壁的缝隙透露一丝丝光亮,空气里混合着尘土、石灰和陈年昆虫尸体的气息。在冥界和阳间的汇接处,被遮盖的父亲,或者正腐朽,或成为雪白的光,生命的所有信息在我漫长的观看和等待中聚集……那些天,风镇一直阴沉沉的,惊雷和闪电不时在天际山巅狰狞一笑,轰轰几声。我压抑得无法言语,努力镇静着。我打算将父亲送县城火化,然后带上他的骨灰远走他乡。我的想法遭到乡民们的一致谴责,他们已经在风谷找好墓地,备好棺木,要亲手送他人土。隔年,我再返风镇,竟已找不到父亲的坟茔。风谷长满荆棘杂草,肥硕的 1 The stiff body of the father was covered in white sheets in a newly vacated room. The windows are small, the crevices of the wooden walls reveal a glimmer of light, mixed with dust, lime, and the bodies of aged insects in the air. At the confluence of the underworld and the sun, the covered father, either decaying, or becoming a white light, all the information of life gathered in my long watching and waiting ... Those days, the windy town was gloomy, thunder And lightning from time to time in the sky mountain ridge grinning, howling sound. I was so depressed that I could not speak, trying to calm down. I intend to send my father to the county cremation, and then bring his ashes away from home. My idea was unanimously condemned by the villagers, who have found a good grave in the wind Valley, ready coffin, to be personally sent to other people’s soil. The next year, I return to the town, actually can not find his father’s tomb. Wind Valley covered with thorns and weeds, fat
One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large crowd gathered and they all admired his heart for it was perfec
2007年江苏省盐城市中考作文题目阅读下列文字,根据要求作文。亲爱的同学,在你成长的历程中,有时一个平凡或伟大的人,一句平常或深刻的 In 2007 Yancheng City, Jiangsu Pro