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在我国法的理论和实践中,没有明确法定解释是法的渊源。法定解释是指拥有法律解释权的国家机关在其法定职权范围内对法律规定作出的解释,它具有同被解释的法律一样的法律效力。哪些机关拥有法律解释权,这是山宪法和法律作出规定的。早在建国前的1949年9月,中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议通过的《中央人民政府组织法》第7条就规定,由中央人民政府委员会制定并解释国家的法律。新中国成立后,对法律解释问题也作过许多规定。1954年新中国第一部宪法第31条规定:由全国人民代表大会常务委员会行使法律解释权。稍后在总结经验的基础上,1955年6月第一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会通过的《关于解释法律问题的决议》规定:“凡关于法律、法令条文本身需要进一步明确界限或作补充规定的,由全国人民代表大会常务委员会分别进行解释或用法令加以规定。”,“凡关于审判过程中如何具体应用法律、法令的问题,由最高人民法院审判委员会进行解释。”党的十一届三中全会以来,随着立法和司法工作的加强,全国各地不断出现一些法律问题需要进行解释, In the theory and practice of our country’s law, there is no clear legal interpretation of the origin of the law. Statutory interpretation refers to that the state organ that has the power of legal interpretation interprets the legal provisions within its statutory limits of authority and has the same legal effect as the law to be interpreted. Which organs have the power of legal interpretation is stipulated by the Constitution and the law of the mountain. As early as before 1949 before the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Article 7 of the Organic Law of the Central People’s Government, adopted by the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference at its first plenary meeting, stipulated that the Central People’s Government shall formulate and explain the laws of the country. After the founding of New China, there were also many provisions on the legal interpretation. Article 31 of the First Constitution of New China in 1954 provides that the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress shall exercise the power of legal interpretation. Later, on the basis of summing up experience, the Resolution on the Interpretation of Legal Issues passed by the Standing Committee of the First National People’s Congress in June 1955 stipulated: “Where the law or the law itself require further clarification of the limits or supplementary provisions , Which shall be respectively interpreted by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress or governed by an ordinance. ”“ Any question about the specific application of laws and decrees during the trial shall be explained by the Supreme People’s Court Judicial Committee. ”The 11th Since the Third Plenary Session, with the strengthening of the legislative and judicial work, some legal issues constantly emerging throughout the country need to be explained.
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