加强领导 落实措施 积极推行以煤代木

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早在1956年,我局就开展了以煤代木工作,当时由于思想认识不明确,组织领导、资金来源不落实,收效一直不大,全局仍以烧木材为主。据1984年统计,全局公用、民用取暖年烧掉木材17万层积立方米,折合原木12.9万立方米。几乎相当于企业木材年产量的50%。 1985年开展以煤代木。以木换房试点以来,取得了较好的成绩。据统计1985年推行公用、住宅楼集中联片供热,居民以煤代木取暖烧饭,共节约木材6.5万立方米。1986年进一步扩大了联片供热面积和居民以煤代木的范围,又在六个主伐工队采用了热水小锅炉和保温活动板房,全年共节约木材9.4万立方米。两年节约木材近16万立方米,按每立方米销售利润80元计算,折合节约资金128O万元。两年来,用以木换房的方式建筑居民住宅楼9042平方米,并采取锅炉联片供热,解决了141户职工的住房问题,年节约烧材折合木材940立方米。推行以煤代木、以木换房是改善职工居住条 As early as 1956, our bureau carried out work on behalf of coal mines. At that time, due to the lack of clear understanding of the ideology, organization and leadership, the source of funds was not implemented and the effect was not great. The overall situation was still dominated by burning wood. According to 1984 statistics, the overall situation of the public, civil heating wood burned 17 million layers of cubic meters, equivalent to 129,000 cubic meters of logs. Almost equivalent to 50% of annual production of timber. In 1985 to carry out coal on behalf of wood. With the wooden exchange room pilot, has achieved good results. According to the statistics, in 1985, the public and residential buildings were put together to supply heat. Residents used coal instead of wood for heating and cooking, saving a total of 65,000 cubic meters of timber. In 1986, the area of ​​heat supply for co-generation and residents’ range of coal substitution for wood were further expanded. In addition, hot water boiler and heat preservation board house were adopted by the six main cutting teams, saving a total of 94,000 cubic meters of timber throughout the year. Two years to save nearly 160000 cubic meters of timber, according to the sales profit of 80 yuan per cubic meter, equivalent to save 1280000 yuan of funds. In the past two years, 9042 sq.m. of residential buildings were constructed by means of wooden exchange of houses, and boiler heating was applied to solve the housing problem of 141 workers, saving 940 cubic meters of wood per year. The implementation of coal on behalf of wood, wood for housing is to improve staff living bar
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