党的十五届四中全会对搞好国有企业改革提出了新的要求,也给解困扭亏企业的工会组织带来了压力,工会如何在企业解困扭亏中发挥作用?笔者认为,企业要冲出低谷,摆脱困境,工会应从以下几个方面发挥作用: 一、帮助职工树立战胜困难,与企业同舟共济的信念 企业的暂时困难势必打乱职工的正常思维,影响他们的思想情绪和工作积极性,工会应该深入到
The Fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee put forward new requirements on doing a good job in reforming state-owned enterprises and brought pressure on the trade union organizations that have helped them to turn around their businesses. How do unions play a role in helping enterprises to solve their problems? In my opinion, Troughs and Excuses, the trade unions should play their role in the following aspects: First, to help workers establish conviction to overcome difficulties and work in unison with enterprises Temporary difficulties of enterprises will certainly disrupt the normal thinking of employees and affect their ideological mood and enthusiasm for work. The unions should Deep into