
来源 :毛泽东邓小平理论研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leader_007cn
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新世纪以来,国史学理论研究取得了显著的成绩和较大的进展:明确了唯物史观是我们从事国史研究的根本指导思想;对于国史研究的主线和分期问题展开了热烈讨论,对这些重大理论问题的认识得到进一步深化;在国史研究中,运用了口述历史、社会史学、心理史学、计量史学等跨学科的方法,开拓了国史研究的视野,深化了国史研究的领域和内容。对新世纪以来国史学理论研究的几点思考:首先,要进一步加强国史学理论体系的建设;其次,应进一步推动国史学理论和方法研究的进展;第三,要不断开拓国史研究的视野,促进研究方法的创新和中外学术交流;第四,要提高国史学研究者的责任意识与学术素养。 Since the beginning of the new century, remarkable achievements and greater progress have been made in the study of the theory of the history of the country. It has been clarified that the historical materialism is the fundamental guideline for our study of the history of the country. There has been heated discussion on the main line and the staging of the study of the history of the country. The understanding of the theoretical issues has been further deepened. In the study of the national history, the interdisciplinary approach of oral history, social history, psychology and econometrics has been applied to open up the field of vision of the study of the history of the country and deepen the field and content of the study of the history of the country. First of all, it is necessary to further strengthen the construction of the theoretical system of the history of the country; second, we should further promote the progress of the study of the theory and methodology of the history of the country; third, we must constantly open up the field of vision of the study of the history of the country, Promote the innovation of research methods and academic exchanges both at home and abroad; fourthly, it is necessary to improve the sense of responsibility and academic accomplishment of researchers in the history of the country.