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3月9日上午,北京急救中心党政领导在中层干部会上宣布:成立转运非典病人的专用车组。领导的话音刚落,车管科科长王铁民站了起来:“我上!我多年从事急救工作,又管车,我比谁都适合。”进专用车组就是选择了危险。3月12日,当很多市民还不知道非典是怎么回事时,王铁民接到了一例非典病人转运工作的命令。当时防护和隔离条件都不到位,防护设施只有一个口罩,一顶一次性帽子和一件白大褂。为排除职工的恐惧,王铁民第一个登上非典患者转运车。在场的司机们劝他:“你的糖尿病那么严重,容易感染产生并发症,你不能去。我们哪个不比你年轻,哪个不比你身体好?我们去。”王铁民没说话,摆摆手,关上了车门。急救车从中午12点发车到下午3点多钟,才找到病人家。当病人送进病房时,佑安医院的护士长说,这是他们医院接到的第一个非典病人。 On the morning of March 9, the party and government leaders of the Beijing Emergency Center announced at the middle-level cadres’ meeting: the establishment of a special vehicle group to transport SARS patients. The leadership of the voice was lost, Wang Che-ming, chief of the Che Kwun car stood up: “I am on my first aid work for many years, and control the car, I better than anyone else. ” Into the special car group is to choose the danger. On March 12, when many citizens still did not know what happened to SARS, Wang Tiemin received an order for the transfer of SARS patients. At that time the protection and isolation conditions are not in place, protective equipment is only a mask, a disposable hat and a white coat. In order to exclude the fear of workers, Wang Tiemin first boarded SARS patient transporter. The drivers present advised him: “Your diabetes is so serious, prone to complications of infection, you can not go. Which of us are not younger than you, which is better than your body? We go. ” Wang Tiemin did not speak, waved his hand, shut The door. Emergency ambulance from 12 noon to start at 15 o’clock in the afternoon, only to find the patient’s home. When the patient was admitted to the ward, the head nurse of You’an Hospital said that this was the first SARS patient received at their hospital.
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