
来源 :中国农村卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nkxrb
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目的:了解金华市中小学学校学生肺结核疫情情况,为探索学校结核病防治工作措施提供参考依据。方法:核实汇总中小学学校、学生总数,学生肺结核病患者数据从《结核病管理信息系统》导出。计算并比较不同特征学生的活动性肺结核和涂阳肺结核登记率。结果:2010-2014年,金华市中小学学生肺结核病年平均登记率为12.06/10万,涂阳年均登记率为4.4/10万,各个县市中小学生肺结核发病较为均匀。中小学生活动性肺结核病例每月均有发生,其中以4月份发病最多,共发病94例,占全年的23.33%。农村学校活动性肺结核病登记率为13.82/10万,高于城市学校的10.14/10万。肺结核各年级发病登记率高中生要高于初中生,初中生高于小学生,尤其是高三学生发病最高,为176例,发病登记率达到26.71/10万。结论:出现学生结核病患者后,卫生部门、教育部门、疾病控制中心、结核病定点诊治医院和乡村督导员要积极密切配合协作,切实将校内肺结核疫情控制在萌芽状态,以防止学生交叉感染,杜绝学校结核病聚集性感染疫情的发生和蔓延。 Objective: To understand the epidemic situation of pulmonary tuberculosis among primary and secondary school students in Jinhua City, and to provide reference for exploring the measures of tuberculosis prevention and control in schools. Methods: To verify that data from primary and secondary schools, total number of students and students with TB were derived from the Tuberculosis Management Information System. Calculate and compare the enrollment rates of active and smear-positive TB among students with different characteristics. Results: From 2010 to 2014, the average enrollment rate of pulmonary tuberculosis among primary and secondary school students in Jinhua City was 12.06 / 100000, and the annual average enrollment rate of smear-use was 4.4 / 100000. The incidence of tuberculosis in primary and secondary school students in all counties was more uniform. Primary and secondary school active tuberculosis cases occur every month, of which the most incidence in April, a total of 94 cases, accounting for 23.33% of the year. The registered rate of active tuberculosis in rural schools was 13.82 / 100,000, higher than 10.14 / 100,000 in urban schools. The incidence rate of tuberculosis in all grades of high school students was higher than that of junior high school students, junior high school students were higher than that of primary school students, especially the junior high school students, with the highest incidence of 176 cases, the incidence of registration rate reached 26.71 / 100000. Conclusion: After the occurrence of tuberculosis patients, the health department, education department, disease control center, tuberculosis designated hospital and village supervisor should cooperate closely and effectively to control the outbreak of tuberculosis in the school to prevent cross-infection among students and stop the school Occurrence and spread of tuberculosis epidemic.
2012年,Ken O’Neill获得了思克莱德大学的数学博士学位。如今,他已经是苏格兰政府首席经济顾问办公室输入/输出统计数据部门的助理统计师。O’Neill自出生时就是深度耳聋患
我们用改良液相色谱法纯化热休克蛋白70-多肽复合物(HSP 70-PC),观察HSP 70-PC对原位大鼠膀胱肿瘤的治疗效应.现报告如下。
友谊就像一首歌,一首令人眷恋的歌。(抒情性语言开头,让一种浓浓的真情荡漾在字里行间。)  最近,漫画作家喃东尼创作的“友谊的小船说翻就翻”红遍了大江南北,寓意着友谊经不起考验,说变就变。(源于最近火热的网络流行语,新颖且接学生“气”儿)看完漫画,我的眼前不知怎的,浮现出了你的身影。我们俩之间发生的故事,再次在我的眼前拉开了帷幕……  时间滴答滴答地走着,转眼间,我步入了美丽的塔子坝中学。当我踏入七