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利用激光扫描仪精确检测漏钢发生后坯壳的厚度。坯壳厚度的变化与结晶器热监测数据有关。详细的三维厚度扫描证实结晶器里可能发生坯壳厚度局部变化。结合结晶器热监测数据,厚度变化的根本原因被确认。以DSP高速薄板连铸机的两个漏钢实例为例,讨论了漏钢坯壳。第一次漏钢与宽边的大型夹杂物有关。第二次漏钢发生在窄边,与局部坯壳变薄和错误的锥度设定有关。这两种情况中,漏钢都与坯壳厚度的局部减少有关。结晶器相应位置的坯壳温度降低,说明钢水和结晶器铜板之间产生气隙或绝缘层。用CON1D计算,证实了绝缘层的存在。应用CON1D有助于更好地理解导致这类漏钢产生的原因或行为。 Using Laser Scanner to Exactly Measure the Thickness of Shell after Breakout. Changes in the thickness of the shell and mold thermal monitoring data. A detailed three-dimensional thickness scan confirmed that local changes in the shell thickness may occur in the mold. Combined with the crystallizer thermal monitoring data, the root cause of thickness variation was confirmed. Taking the two steel breakout cases of DSP high speed thin slab caster as an example, the problems of steel billet leakage are discussed. The first breach was related to large inclusions on the broadside. The second leak occurred in the narrow side, with the local shell thinning and wrong taper setting. In both cases, the leaks are related to the local reduction of the shell thickness. Corresponding position of the crystallizer lower shell temperature, indicating the molten steel and mold copper or air gap between the insulation layer. Calculated with CON1D, confirmed the existence of the insulating layer. The use of CON1D helps to better understand the causes or behavior that lead to such breakouts.
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