
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:silvercup
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Triple extramammary Paget’s disease, which consists ordinarily of b ilateral axillary and genital lesions, is uncommon. Triple extramammary Paget’s diseas e involving other sites has never been reported, although solitary extramammary Paget’s disease can occur at various sites around the body, Erythematous plaqu es on the areola, axilla and genitalia of a 91- year-oldman were surgically r emoved under the clinical diagnosis of multiple extramammary Paget’s disease, Histology revealed that all three lesions consisted of intraepidermal nests of P aget cells and other isolated Paget cells scattered in the epidermis. Although a dnexal invasion was observed in the genital lesion, neither intraductal invasion nor underlying breast carcinomawas detected in the areolar lesion. Immunohistoc hemically, the Paget cells in all lesions expressed simple epithelial cytokerati ns (CK8, 18 and 19), mucin (MUC)1 and MUC5AC, but neither CK20 nor MUC2. From th e histological findings, the present case was interpreted as triple extramammary Paget’s disease rather than synchronous mammary and extramamma ry Paget’s disease. Furthermore, the mucin core protein expression pattern, wh ich was identical to that observed in extramammary Paget’s disease, supported the above interpretation. Triple extramammary Paget’s disease, which consists ordinarily of b ilateral axillary and genital lesions, is uncommon. Triple extramammary Paget’s diseas e involving other sites has never been reported, although solitary extramammary Paget’s disease can occur at various sites around the body, Erythematous plaqu es on the areola, axilla and genitalia of a 91- year-oldman were surgically r emoved under the clinical diagnosis of multiple extramammary Paget’s disease, Histology revealed that all three of consisted of intraepidermal nests of P aget cells and other isolated Paget cells scattered in the epidermis . Although a dnexal invasion was observed in the genital lesion, neither intraductal invasion nor underlying breast carcinoma was detected in the areolar lesion. Immunohistoc hemically, the Paget cells in all lesions expressed simple epithelial cytokeratin ns (CK8, 18 and 19), mucin (MUC ) 1 and MUC5AC, but neither CK20 nor MUC2. From th e histological findings, the present case was interpreted as triple extramammary Paget’s disease rather than synchronous mammary and extramamma ry Paget’s disease. Furthermore, the mucin core protein expression pattern, wh ich was identical to that observed in extramammary Paget’s disease, supported the above interpretation.
大师风范 永世长存──由佐临先生一封信引起的思念云南文山州文化局艺研室刘诗仁当代杰出的戏剧大师,著名导演艺术家黄佐临先生因病于1994年逝世,我惊闻噩耗,如万箭穿心。黄佐临先
又是九月,新四军第四师师长彭雪枫为国捐躯已经半个世纪。 从镇平七里庄到夏邑八里庄,从丁未九月到甲申九月,彭雪枫走过了37年光辉灿烂的人生历程,经历了38个九月。九月,他
以取代苯甲醛和丙二酸合成的5种肉桂酸及其衍生物、苯甲酸和对甲氧基苯甲酸为初始原料,合成了7种未见文献报道的芥子碱类似物6a~6g,经IR、1H NMR及元素分析对目标化合物结构进