加大督查力度 抓好大事落实

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1995年,我们遵照市委“振奋精神,改进作风,扭住大事,狠抓落实”的工作部署,把督促检查贯穿于抓大事的全过程,渗透到各个方面,加大了督查工作力度,有力地推动了市委重大工作部署的贯彻落实。 一、搞好分解立项,明确任务,落实责任,为实施抓大事抓落实决策提供方案。 市委抓大事抓落实决策涉及方方面面,是一项系统工程。在实际工作中,我们在吃透市委决策精神、深刻领会市委工作意图的前提下,紧紧抓住分解立项这个关键环节,把分解立项的过程变成对市委决策深入理解和再创造的过程。首先是围绕决策目标,结合实际议大事、理大事,明确抓大事的具体内容。我们注意把握重点,围绕西安市经济社会发展的三大目标(到本世纪末,率先建立市场经济体制基本框架,全面实现现代化建设的第二步发展战略,初步构筑起外向型城市的基本框架),理出了对西安95年经济社会发展具有决定性作用的8件大事:(1)控制物价涨幅,重点抓好“米袋子”和“菜篮子”工程;(2)发展农村经济,重点抓好奔小康工作;(3)深化企业改革,重点抓好现代企业制度试点和扭亏增盈工作;(4)扩大对外开放,重点抓好改善投资环境和城市基础设施建设重点工程;(5)加强精神文明建设,重点抓好建设有中国特色社会主义理论学习和爱国主义教育;(6)维护社会稳定,重点抓好特 In 1995, in accordance with the work plan of the municipal party committee, “Inspiring the Spirit, Improving the Style of Work, Fighting on Major Events and Firm Implementation”, we supervise and urge inspections throughout the whole process of grasping the major events and infiltrated all aspects and intensified the work of supervision and inspection To promote the implementation of major work arrangements for the municipal Party committee. First, do a good job decomposition of the project, a clear mandate to implement the responsibility for the implementation of major events to grasp the implementation of decision-making programs. It is a systematic project that the municipal party committee should grasp major events and grasp all aspects of decision-making. In practical work, on the premise of thoroughly understanding the decision-making spirit of the Municipal Party Committee and deeply comprehending the intent of the Municipal Party Committee, we firmly grasp the key link in the project decomposition and transform the process of breaking down the project into the process of deepening the understanding and re-creation of the municipal party committee’s decision-making. The first is to focus on the decision-making goals, combined with the actual events, management events, clearly grasp the specific content of major events. We should pay attention to grasping the key points and focus on the three major goals of economic and social development in Xi’an (by the end of this century, we will take the lead in establishing the basic framework of a market economy system, fully realizing the second-phase development strategy of modernization and initially constructing the basic framework of an outward-oriented city) Out of the Xi’an Economic and Social Development in 1995 has played a decisive role in eight major events: (1) control price increases, focusing on “rice bag” and “basket” project; (2) the development of rural economy, focusing on well-being of the people (3) Deepening the reform of enterprises, focusing on the pilot projects of the modern enterprise system and turning losses into profits and increasing profits; (4) Opening up to the outside world and focusing on key projects to improve the investment environment and urban infrastructure; (5) Strengthening the construction of spiritual civilization , Focusing on building a theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics and patriotism education; (6) to maintain social stability, focusing on special
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