
来源 :植物病理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaijiayue
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杨树水泡型溃疡病分布广泛,严重为害杨树。分生孢子是主要的侵染源。病菌由伤口、皮孔或表皮侵入寄主。每年5~6月为春季发病高峰,9月为秋季发病高峰,秋季发病较春季为重。孢子的飞散高峰在8~9月。病害的消长与降雨量和相对湿度密切相关,雨季孢子飞散较多,分生孢子萌发的最适温度为25~30℃,子囊孢子萌发的最适温度为20~30℃。分生孢子萌发要求水分,在黑暗下发芽率高。病原可潜伏侵染,一般在2~3年生枝干上侵染较多,7~9月是潜伏侵染的高峰。除杨树外,还能为害多种阔叶树。病原在麦芽糖和蛋白胨培养基中菌丝生长较旺盛,在蔗糖和硝酸钾培养基中有利于分生孢子器形成,杨树树皮汁液能促进分生孢子发芽。 Poplar blister-type ulcer disease is widely distributed, serious damage to poplar. Conidia are the main source of infection. Pathogens invade the host by the wound, lenticel, or epidermis. May to June each year for the peak incidence in spring, September peak incidence in autumn, autumn onset is heavier than the spring. Spore spikes peaked in August and September. The growth and decline of diseases were closely related to rainfall and relative humidity. The spores scattered more in rainy season. The optimum temperature for conidiospore germination was 25-30 ℃, and the optimum temperature for spore germination was 20-30 ℃. Conidia germination requires moisture, germination rate in the dark. Pathogen latent infection, usually 2 to 3 years old branches on the infection more, 7 to September is the peak of latent infection. In addition to poplar, but also damage a variety of broad-leaved trees. Pathogen in maltose and peptone medium mycelium growth is vigorous, in sucrose and potassium nitrate medium conducive to the formation of conidia, poplar bark juice can promote conidia germination.
【“术”材展示】  乌镇倡议  2015年12月16~18日的第二届“世界互联网大会——乌镇峰会”的大会组委会提出《乌镇倡议》:  一、加快网络发展普及。加速互联网基础设施建设,鼓励互联网技术和应用创新交流……促进互联互通,确保互联网技术能在各国尤其是发展中国家和欠发达地区得到更广泛应用。  二、促进网络文化交流。鼓励以数字化形式保护、传承、弘扬人类优秀文化成果,加强网络空间文化交流,促进人类文化
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金jīn嗓sǎnɡ子zi,银yín嗓sǎnɡ子zi,  我wǒ有yǒu一yí副fù好hǎo嗓sǎnɡ子zi,  不bù吃chī冷lěnɡ饭fàn和hé辣là子zi,  不bù喊hǎn不bú叫jiào好hǎo孩hái子zi。  字zì正zhènɡ腔qiānɡ圆yuán读dú句jù子zi,  婉wǎn转zhuǎn悠yōu扬yánɡ唱chànɡ歌ɡē子zi。